Have you ever been out shopping for the perfect Captain's Quarter's set up but you couldn't find the right fit for you?
Well now's your chance to design one..
Here are the requirements:
1. The room must contain a [TABLE], [BED], [CHAIR], [MATERIAL]-paneled walls, [DESK]/[MAP].
2. Room description must be 510 characters or less.
3. Room MAY reference Sunlight/moon light, but room descriptions should not change beyond that.
4. Do not FILL the [ ] with an actual description beyond TABLE, BED, CHAIR..etc.
Example of a Submission.
1. Sun/moonlight filters through a large, glass-paned window, illuminating [MAP] spread out on [TABLE] in the center of the cabin. A logbook lies open on [BED] near [CHAIR] piled with freshly laundered garments. Nautical charts are tacked to the [MATERIAL]-paneled walls, all scribbled with illegible handwriting, one drawn with a giant sea monster.
1. Freshly made with clean linens, [BED] stretches out beneath a clear glass-paned window at the rear of the cabin. A lantern flickers atop [TABLE] stacked with books, empty teacups, and nautical charts. [MAP] is framed upon a [MATERIAL]-paneled wall above [CHAIR], its seat occupied by a three-legged tabby cat.
Entries that do not include all requirements and follow the guidelines will not be considered eligible.
Contestants have until 11:59 p.m. PT on August 31, 2022 to get entries to me.
Ten winners will be chosen from the submitted entries.
Like all Premium Monthly Contests, entries are subject to change based on the discretion
of the GMs and QC. Entries will be judged during the first week of September. Zoelle
will not judge this contest except in the rare case of a tie. The winners will be
announced as soon as possible afterwards. Zoelle reserves the right to make any changes
to items that she, or QC, deems necessary.
Please direct any questions to the Premium Contests folder on the official message boards.
This message was originally posted in GemStone IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered, Premium Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.