Have you ever wanted to design sanctuary (220) including custom entry/exit messaging?
Well, now's your chance!!
Here are the requirements:
1. Design custom entry messaging (comes after You gesture.)
2. Design the custom sanctuary room name [no more than 23 characters]
3. Design the custom sanctuary (no props, no shows).
4. Design custom exit messaging comes when you go out of sanctuary.
Example of a Submission:
1. Whipping winds carry the hot, metallic taste of lightning to you as your surroundings blur...
2. [Eye of the Storm Sanctuary]
3. Protected within the eye of the storm, the waters of the grey chamber lap gently at your feet. Beyond the calm and quiet of the sanctuary is a raging hurricane of whipping winds and lightning streaked skies. Directly above, the sky is clear and the quiet sounds of a gull drift to your ears.
4. The blinding flash of lightning shatters the chamber in a cloud of wind and light, causing it to dissolve around you..
Entries that do not include all requirements and follow the guidelines will not be considered eligible.
Contestants have until 11:59 p.m. PT on June 30, 2022 to get entries to me.
Ten winners will be chosen from the submitted entries.
Like all Premium Monthly Contests, entries are subject to change based on the discretion
of the GMs and QC. Entries will be judged during the first week of July. Zoelle
will not judge this contest except in the rare case of a tie. The winners will be
announced as soon as possible afterwards. Zoelle reserves the right to make any changes
to items that she, or QC, deems necessary.
Please direct any questions to the Premium Contests folder on the official message boards.
This message was originally posted in GemStone IV Premium, Platinum, and Shattered, Premium Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.