Cursing in Elanthia! 09/04/2015 03:07 PM CDT
It's a PG-13 game (or something like that) but our characters still need ways to express themselves when they are angry and upset. I'm curious what different races/characters do when they want to vent their frustrations to the world (verbally or non-verbally).

I'll start with a few examples:

- One of my characters pretty much has a permanent scowl on their face and tend to express their displeasure with everything via scowling. Another tends to frown when they are displeased which isn't frequently so it gets noticed.

- I've seen a number of halflings (aka Truefolk) use the expression 'Crumbs!'. One of mine included.

- One of my characters has been called a 'fruiter' before.

- The MOCK command is pretty fun to use although you don't always get the desired result when you leave it up to the command to decide how best to communicate how you feel.

- One recently heard exclamation that I found rather amusing: "By Eonakes' vultite balls that's good!"

So... how do your characters curse and exclaim in Elanthia?

-- Robert

"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/04/2015 03:16 PM CDT

Some real nice examples you got there, definitely want to use "Crumbs!" for my halfling now :D

Eonake one is good too, very curious to see what's out there.
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/04/2015 03:28 PM CDT
"By the First"
"By the moons"
"By the flames"
"Koar's blood"
"Go rot in Luukos' Maw"

...are a few phrases that various characters have used. I'm also a fan of referencing Arkati's spheres of influences, generally speaking.

- Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 02:03 AM CDT
"Foof!" Followed by a stamp of the foot.

That is all!

>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 05:31 AM CDT
My Tehir uses "Fire and Wind" and "By all the fires" now and again. SWEAR VILE is a personal favorite, but the SWEAR verb in general is excellent.

Aside from obligatory nonverbal frustration cues (stomping, muttering, scowling, and I love steeple nose with a passion), most of my others will save their more colorful expletives for mychars, where I can become rather florid and uncouth. But I play a lot of quiet types.

With great effort you combine the value of your two bloodscrip, leaving you with a single parchment bloodscrip valued at 2112.
You think to yourself, "Another toy that helped destroy the elder race of man..."
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 06:01 AM CDT

My Faendryl bard always liked "valences!" or "by the valences" or "Jastev's shiny balls!" with the occasional "oh my stars and garters" because any chance to quote Beast is an awesome day, right?
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 06:57 AM CDT guys may want to note if you already have these as SWEAR MINE or if these are things I can appropriate.

Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 09:18 AM CDT

>swear mine
You groan into an open palm and lets loose a half-heard stream of oaths in a mixture of Faendryl and common.
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 09:21 AM CDT

Actually, I never tried this before, but I just tried to "Swear mine" on a character that doesn't have a custom swear.

>swear mine
You ponder, but can't think of anything original to say.

3rd person:
XXXX pauses, a thoughtful expression on his face.

I kind of wish I'd discovered this ages ago, or that it was still an option, because that is a perfect 3rd person expression... I'd love to be able to pause, a thoughtful expression on my face.. a great alternative to thinking and pondering all the time.
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 12:11 PM CDT
Agreed, that's a nice verb.
Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 12:18 PM CDT
I've got a few favorites that I use...

Come hell or high water = Come Lornon er Locksmere...

Snowballs chance in hell = Rolton's chance with sleepy...

>>swear mine

You articulate a volley of curses not heard since the days when the sea elves of house Ashrim were the masters of the seas.

Re: Cursing in Elanthia! 09/05/2015 12:42 PM CDT
Kai's bunions. (used by guildmasters when they miss horribly)