NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/09/2014 12:21 AM CDT
I used to know someone who could tell you who all the GMs were and give you the names of their corresponding merchants. I've never been able to do that. Partly because of an extremely poor memory but mainly because it would have a major impact on my RP.

If I don't like a particular player (as opposed to a character) - and it would take something serious for me to avoid a player as if that player had red rot - I am always upset with myself when I find I have been interacting with their alt and I do try to keep a list of that person' salts for that reason. This is not the best RP admittedly as it should be the character and not the player that's important. But I'm only human...uh or Dwarven depending on your perspective.

When it comes to GMs I can say that I know very few of their merchants. It's not an over complicated process to work it out of course. I choose not to and this is actually one of those time where I benefit from a poor memory. This lack of knowledge allows Bremerial to be herself and indulge in the best RP she can, without too much of the player's personality bleeding through. So - and forgive me for mentioning particular GMs - Bremerial can mutter about the service provided by Merchant X and interact badly with Merchant Y, without worrying about it being Xayle or Kynlee behind the merchants. Only mentioned these two because of some really good interaction and support recently, so it's a positive reference - hehe.

I'm not sure about the approach others take but I thought I'd share mine.

Bremerial - The Ale Specialist


View 47 warrrior interviews from 2009 to 2012 -

AIM: warriorbremerial
Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/09/2014 10:03 AM CDT
I make it a point to treat every character as an individual even to the point of not knowing who all my friends alts are. I also rarely let on to others who my alts are as I have found a lot of (most?) people will immediately begin to respond based on the player vs. the character when they find out it is you. This is most notable when people are interacting with some of my less... socially skilled? characters and they start overlooking a lot that they wouldn't otherwise because they know its me. It is a lot of fun and often very surprising to see the different sides of someone else's character based on which of your characters they are interacting with (when they don't realize they are being played by the same person).

In my book, GMs are players too so the same rules apply to their characters as to other players. They have the benefit/downside of also being able to see the account tied to a player so at times it may be more challenging for them to separate the character from the player than it is for those of us that don't have that ability.

Overall I find it more enjoyable (and simpler) to simply treat each character as a person in their own right.

-- Robert
Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/10/2014 02:40 PM CDT
I view strict separation between player and character as the goal. To do otherwise isn't really roleplaying, is it? By definition you assume a role other than your own, right? So what else can you call it when the line between yourself and that role becomes blurred or even erased entirely in the moment? Are you really playing a role at that point?

It's extremely difficult to roleplay conflict with such players because they tend to allow their emotions to blend with that of their character to the point where it's difficult for them to discern the other player's intentions. How can you tell if I'm attempting to engage in roleplayed conflict between our characters for our mutual enjoyment or just griefing you because I'm an anti-social jerk?

The answer for me is to always take the damage myself. By that I mean that I try to anticipate these miscues and, wherever possible, find an opportunity to make my character vulnerable somehow in the interaction. I find that this can sometimes turn a sour interaction around by signaling my intentions more clearly to the other player. If I unnecessarily make myself the butt of a joke, for instance, or if I go to attack and end up hurting myself, etc. It eases the tension and often the fact that you were willing to make an error for the other player's benefit is enough to show them that, while our characters are at odds, we can still be cordial behind the scenes.

That's how it should be. Roleplayed conflict never involves conflict between players. If you're having an OOC conflict that mirrors your IC conflict, I've got news for you: That ain't roleplaying!

Just my opinion, of course.

Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/10/2014 03:30 PM CDT
Just thought of a sort of reverse example, where OOC conflict is blocked by the "wall" of separation that should exist between player and character.

Dreaer's player and I are very different people. In the not so distant past we would frequently get into it on LNet (and say things that can't be repeated here on the forums!). But Taverkin is consistent. Virtually EVERYONE is "friend" as far as he's concerned. So while I'm cursing Dreaer out on LNet, Taverkin is casting Dreaer the same full spellup he gives out to everyone whether they ask for it or not. And he's calling him "Friend!" like he does for everyone else. You can't hate him out of it. He just won't...stop...being...friendly (Shatner inflection)! I think there might be something wrong with the lil guy.

Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/10/2014 05:19 PM CDT
Tav should still wear some shoes, its indecent to go around with that much foot hair without covering it up.
Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/14/2014 06:46 PM CDT

I also try very hard not to know who the GM behind a merchant is. Especially when Its a cross gender one. If I do know I find myself unintentionally speaking about the GMs gender not the NPC.

I also dont like to know because if I get agitated at an merchant IC, I don't want it to appear as if its GM related. So if I dont know It cant be.
Re: NOT matching GM to Merchant 09/15/2014 12:05 PM CDT
>>I also try very hard not to know who the GM behind a merchant is. Especially when Its a cross gender one. If I do know I find myself unintentionally speaking about the GMs gender not the NPC.

That's another good reason actually. I was flirting with Droughtman, who I 'believe' was run by different GMs. I must say Droughtman was consistent, whoever the soul was behind him. He always rejected my advances! :(


>>In my book, GMs are players too

Yep, you're right of course. I think I forget that sometimes.

>>Roleplayed conflict never involves conflict between players.

Agree 100% No one should ever have an external argument, for example, continued in the game - not even as OOC comments. For most people that would be an unacceptable crossing of the line I suspect. Although intellectually I know there should be a separation between player and character, I'll admit that sometimes that divide is wafer thin. But the basic premise that good RP requires divorcing player from character is definitely a given.

Bremerial - The Ale Specialist


View 47 warrrior interviews from 2009 to 2012 -

AIM: warriorbremerial