I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 11:30 AM CDT

I didn't know exactly where to put this, so I'll settle with here. I hear people talking often about how long they have played and we have so many returning players, I thought I would do a little survey! I love hearing about people's relationship with this game and their characters. We are a tight community and a rare breed in gamers. Text game?! What?!

Year you first played. How did you discover it?

Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Add a question yourself!
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 12:20 PM CDT
Ok I will bite :)

Heard about Gemstone III from one of my co-workers.

Zhelas wasn't my first character. I originally started playing around 1998. I created a wizard, who I still have. Created Zhelas afterwards and he has been my main character since 1999. Used to play while I traveled installing computers in hotels. Left during growing pains but returned in 2004.

Never thought I would ever cap him though he has been capped since 2007. Sad thing is now I have another character, a ranger, who is 10 levels from cap.


(Lord Paladin walks around Droit examining his equipment.)
Lord Paladin: How does he....How does he work?
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 02:00 PM CDT

>>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

91 I think. I was in college and a group of my friends that I worked with discovered the game and all logged in together to play for a couple weeks until the bills started adding up. I think it was $6 an hour when I first signed on, and then dropped to $3 shortly thereafter. They all dropped out but I kept playing off and on for another couple months until I melted a credit card. :(

>>Still have your original characters? Account?
My original character was Celros a cleric. At one point (I think it was with this character, but might have been with another one), I hunted rats in the catacombs with Thalior. Wisely, but sadly I stopped playing and when I came back around the time it opened to AOL, my character was gone. I do still have the bard that I created around 96 or so. Celebros, but I've never gotten him beyond the mid 20's.

>>Does it effect how you play?
No. However, back in those days decisions were permanent, or so we believed at the time, so I did reroll characters a bunch of times, get them up to their 20s only to realize I'd made some terrible mistake in training and option 86 them. I was a bit of a character junkie having a hard time settling on something I liked to play.

>>Have your characters grown?
I've gone through a lot of characters over the years, starting them out from scratch and getting them up to the 20's and then either growing bored or as mentioned above, feeling I'd made a mistake. If I had all those experience points back I'd probably have a very post capped character in Prime. As for character development, not so much. Due to starting over so many times, I've never really gotten deeply connected to any one character. I do have 2 in particular that I'm pretty attached to, my original bard Celebros, and my empath Deagol. They've been with me the longest. Celebros almost got married back in the height of the AOL days, but the player of the lady in question had a husband in the real world who got very jealous, thinking it was "real". That was interesting...

I was in and out of the game over the years, sometimes for a year or two at a time, but this last time I came back to the game about a year or so before Shattered was released, and have been here ever since. After getting married and having kids I just don't have the time to get in game much any more, so Shattered was a way for me to still have something. I can still duck into Prime for some RP every now and then, but for the most part I've just been scripting hunting Shattered for the past 4+ years.

I'd say my most memorable time in the game over all the years was the first ride on the Dhu Gillywack. That was some serious fun. My little empath mini was the master of the proto-siegery game onboard. Tens of millions of silvers changed hands over his fights. At one point I was up over 50 million silvers (the richest I've ever been in the game by far). Sadly, luck turned and one of the GMs decided to take a hand and probably would have revoked the winnings had I not lost most of it on one of his few losses. Good times!
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 03:57 PM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I still feel like I'm a total n00b around here. I didn't start playing until January of 2001. One day a friend of mine said, "Hey. I used to play this game on AOL. I'll bet you'd like it." 13 years later, I'm still here.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

I am still on my original account. It's been open consistently since day 1.

I have all of my original characters, but I don't really play them anymore. My first character was a bard. In retrospect, I should never be a bard. I rolled Raelee up in early 2003, and in some ways that was a complete fresh start on the game. New character, new (to me) profession, and I moved from the Landing to Haven. She was also the first character that I really, really focused on RP with. (Sort of my first "designed personality" - rather than just being a text-extension of my own.) GS4 happened when she was somewhere in her mid-teens, level wise.

She's definitely grown. One might say Raelee and I have grown up together. She might have a drastically different personality than mine, we're the same age. We've suffered through our 20s together. She's definitely grown up a lot. 11 years ago, she was very book smart... but not too experienced in life and the world. Now, she's experienced a lot, is a lot more worldly, a lot less naive... and a lot angrier. She didn't have that reputation for a temper from day one. She's also achieved things. 11 years ago, she was essentially the equivalent of a college student taking a gap year and backpacking through Europe. Now she's a Magister and she's made some epic messes. Somewhere along the line, she adopted a silly barn owl too. Biggest mistake ever.

And adding a question...

How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I have a ton, but they're all largely ignored. I dress them up then forget about them. Raelee is a higher level than the entire rest of my account combined.

Raelee and her Strings

>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 04:09 PM CDT
Deleted to add an answer to Raelee's question.

Funny thing that Kaedra is mentioned. Not "dissing" Kaedra, but truth be told I had never heard of her until I came back on this go-around. The "go to" cleric that I recall best was a dwarven Lorminstran named Kadesha. I've historically been low key, though, so there's likely a lot I missed.

Here's something that might help with dates if someone is fuzzy. http://elonka.com/SimuTimeline.html

>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

Started playing within the first month it was available on AOL. I just saw it on the opening page and started playing. I played until about the time DR opened. I then played DR until coming back to GS in July 1997, around the time of the web move. I played until 1999, when I got pregnant with twins. Came back again in late 2000 and flip flopped between GS and DR before settling on GS. I stayed until, eh, early 2003. I took a break from 2003 until sometime in 2005 when I went back to school. And so on, and so on, until I came back from an 18 month break April of last year. I would typically come back for EG or other events from time to time.

>Still have your original characters? Account?

I do. Both of my first characters were healers. The first one I had transferred from AOL a few years ago but don't play her. Interestingly, my primary account has been active, and premium, since 2001 even though I haven't actually played that entire time - premium points anyone??

>Does it effect how you play?

Nah. I tend to play a new character with each return, or one that I had just started when I last left off. In fact, I'm about to shelve my current one and take a break for the Summer. We'll see what Fall brings me! Likely something completely new because...

>Have your characters grown?

Truth be told, I don't let them, if not by intent then by design. It seems that when I roll up a character I do it with one purpose in mind for that character; rather like I see a need for a given character in a situation. Once the "purpose" is gone, they tend to get stagnant. I guess I'm a bit of a "character actor".

When I came back this time I was going to maintain a complete personal detachment for me, and a complete emotional detachment for Avalera. That lasted about a month. I'd like to say I don't regret not maintaining that stance, but eh. All in all I'd say I've played about 40 characters that someone might remember, so it's hard to have any real growth. Maybe the next go-around.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I have three accounts, two full and one with 5 characters. I actively play one from each account - sometimes at the same times, sometimes not. If I had one account I would likely just play one character as a given rule - this is why I have more than one account. I like doing different things but don't want one character to miss out.

New question: If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

I have totally been unable to decide. I like having more people to interact with. As it stands now it seems really small. I'd rather be a small fish in a big pond I guess - More places to hide.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 04:37 PM CDT
>>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I started playing back in 1995/96? for about a year and came across it on AOL.

>>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play?

I don't have my original sorceress as she was lost in the GS3 to GS4 transition. When I came back to play in 2003 (or thereabouts), I rolled up her cleric sister, Rohese, and eventually re-rolled the original girl as part of Roh's backstory - my GSGuide profile (linked below) explains it all!

>>Have your characters grown? How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I'll take these three questions together as I think they're related. Rohese has really grown over the decade+ that I've played her and I always find myself drawn back to her. I have a few alts that I dip into every now and then - about 6 that I take seriously - but there's something about my prissy princess that keeps me coming back. Even though she's almost 2x capped, she still has a long way to go.

>>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

I liked the 1000+ days. There was a real buzz about the lands and you never quite knew what was around the next corner. I made so many friends back then by just sitting in a popular spot. I miss those days. The game is a very different animal today though with a lot of improvements, so I can't complain.

>>Add a question yourself!

Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

A Vaalorian rogue named Loecki. He really made me push myself as a RPer and take Roh in directions I never would have taken her.

>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom

~*~ She conquers, who endures ~*~

Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 04:51 PM CDT
<<Funny thing that Kaedra is mentioned. Not "dissing" Kaedra, but truth be told I had never heard of her until I came back on this go-around. The "go to" cleric that I recall best was a dwarven Lorminstran named Kadesha. I've historically been low key, though, so there's likely a lot I missed.

When my main PC (and oldest, with regard to this thread) was working through Voln, I definitely remember squealing (okay, whatever men do that isn't squealing, but squealing-like) when I got Kadesha to bless my weapon. ZOMG, ALL THESE SWINGS AND STUFFS!

I started playing around '95 or '96 or so. I deleted my first character and then rolled up a second and have held on to him ever since, albeit I have not been very steady playing. ;)

I was introduced to it by an ex-girlfriend. Best legacy she left me with. -_-

My character has definitely grown, specifically as I grew from someone who knew not to mention AS 140! outloud in-game to understanding roleplaying and reading/engrossing myself into the world that had been built for the game.

GM Scribes
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 08:50 PM CDT


But I dropped that guy and went AOL, it was you know, at least three dollars cheaper.... Hahaha. Laugh along if you get it. I played that guy/account from '95 I guess until 2002. I did a trial somewhere around 2006/07 and my wife at the time didn't get it, so we played another online game together for a couple of years. I returned in 2010, and after being unable to recapture that lost account, my current character was born.

I have some alts, but none that anyone playing would recognize, yet. ;-)

The Role-playing influences for me were the Ladies Reklawthur and Sianan. Back when my other character was truly developing himself, he found a great inspiration from Lord Howlinbear Lionleg. (Sonic Chicken FTW)

My current character carries a lot of traits from my previous, and their back stories tie in somewhat, so it has been a little easier transition into GS IV, however I would be remiss if I did not mention the gnome Nisme as a wonderful first friend and influence when I returned, and The Lady Seomanthe Bartley-Olberath, who's player definately keeps me grounded.

~Mychar wonders why he cannot leap over the railings onto invaders with his stiletto.

~Because you are Greganth, not Batman.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 11:09 PM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I assume it was late 1999 or early 2000, because I discovered GS through the INC magazine article, which Elonka's website has listed as:

October 15, 1999 : Simutronics listed as #295 on Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies in the country

I've never been a fan of AOL and knew nothing of Genie, so I never played via those servers, but when I read about the game in INC, I knew I had to check it out. I was instantly intrigued and impressed, although (in case my character's name doesn't make this apparent) I was a bigger fan of Tolkien and playing a Dark Elf, than I was of Elanthia, at least initially. It took me about a year to realize that Elanthia had its own history and lore, and that I needed to incorporate that into my backstory, RP, etc.

Those things noted, obviously I have taken time off - this last break of 6/7 years was my biggest break ever.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Yes. Turinrond was my first character, although I rerolled him EASILY about 20 times during GS3, before there were fixskills. I have my original account, it will never leave my possession.

I don't know. I've spent so much time in Turin's headspace, that his responses are pretty automatic. Although with the dramatic quest stuff, I had to pull some of my responses as a player in some situations and reconsider where ole boy would be on the matter. Much of that is due to me being away for so long and being somewhat rusty in that regard. I'm likely not doing him justice, but fortunately it is still only a game.

My other characters, and there are tons, are pretty static, with the exception of Turin's little protege', who is ... less angsty and more of how I wanted Turin to be well after it was too late for me to play him that way. Turin will always be a bit of a backwoods drunk hick, but his focus has evolved into a much more strategic and spiritual outlook, something that I would have never predicted or expected when I first rolled him up, or even the twentieth time I rolled him up.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I built several supporting characters last decade in order to support my main's RP and also to give myself a break from the cold, aloof, hard character that he was evolving into. And then there are about a dozen characters I rolled up and took to maybe 5 or 10 just to tinker with mechanics. Of the characters that are actually reasonable level, there's another ranger (the protege'), the simpleton pacifist healer, a dwarven mage who started out as a mechanical exploration and whose RP I haven't really fleshed out whatsoever, and the merchant uncle, who was always intended to be the familial patriarch/center, whose RP basically evolved into "I ain't getting involved with Turin's business no more." after he got attacked by some Dark Alliance folks during the Griffon Sword Saga. There's also Dalinald/Dalinauld the Mockingbird, a character built specifically to mock and parody Turin and other friends, but I haven't played him in a long time, and probably don't drink enough now to pull him off convincingly.

Turin's the most challenging to play, but also the one I am the most emotionally invested in, and also the most advanced, level-wise - so, he tends to get most of my attention, particularly now when I have limited time to play.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

I much prefer the larger player base. While the smaller player base has its advantages - knowing who to find for what is a double-edged sword, and that, to me, takes some of the challenge and freshness away. A larger player base seems to attract some of those names that have faded away with time, and increases the chance of making new friends or finding new roleplay or .. I don't know.. I remember doing events and having tremendous turnout and being really thrilled with the interactions between people who had never met. It didn't even have to be about me or our group or whatever, just that we did a "thing" and at that thing, new friendships or animosities were created. I liked being able to go into TSC, or the small park, and people watch for 30 minutes or whatever, and find RP without having to be obnoxious.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

Turin's mentor was Turgen, (Lord of Ditches and Pollywogs), who really pulled me off the turnip truck into some semblance of a reasonable player. Great great mentor.

Akayria really influenced us in terms of roleplaying, finding that niche and developing it.

Dgry, who has been somewhat of a mentor / trainer for most of the time Turin's been about.

That's at the core of things.

Otherwise, there's a handful... like Charna, Nyrithorn, Venrath, Lucos, Porcell, Tierus, Valicar and a few whose names escape me at the moment (or they are still playing and influencing and that belongs in a different folder) ... that they are just so good at what they do, that it forces me to be better, or at least to try and be better. I'm a better RP'er because of their players - Turin is a bigger/better/badder (? - fill in the blank) because of how those characters affected his outlook, etc.

Then there was this one assassin NPC, and I'm ashamed to admit that I can't remember his name, but it was part of the CoL revamped quest, (I'm pretty sure that it was Khaladon's NPC), but his killing method of choice was hurling these daggers that disintegrated on contact (after damage was done) - and I remember thinking, NOW THAT IS HOW AN ASSASSINATION IS DONE, and Turin (who may know somewhat of the Council) was instantly sold on thrown and hurling in his desire to emulate that NPC.

Fun little thought experiment; I hadn't really thought of some of this stuff in a while; yay for old men waxing nostalgic. :-p

~ Bill, Coyote.

Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/06/2014 11:25 PM CDT
Sounds like Lacheis. Read the CoL reports here: http://www.gshousephoenix.com/Enlightenment/Library/Library.php
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/07/2014 06:36 AM CDT

Yes, that was him. Age and memory.. alas. Thanks!

~ Bill, Coyote.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/07/2014 07:19 AM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

Mid 90's. I had been playing another Simu game at the time, Cyberstrike. A few other players there also played GS and they suggested I give it a try. I rolled Radeek, popped into the landing and promptly killed the tiny kitten and was in jail less than a minute after joining the ranks of Elanthia. Bad omen, or what?

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Yep, all original characters. Some were known, some I haven't played in a decade or more. I play Radeek almost exclusively now. And Radeek has changed, and yet not. Same Radeek-speak, same outlook on life, yet....darker. Not evil, but not as light. Radeek began as, what Charna called him once, a "Beacon of Phoen". She then gave him a set of prayerbeads attuned to Phoen, which I still have and still use to this very day. But Phoen doesn't hear him any more so he's looking....elsewhere.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I only play an alt now if I need a break from Radeek. He can be "difficult" to play for extended periods of time. I have no supporting cast of characters. I "try" and make each unique and keep them that way.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

There is good and bad to both. I miss the days of a lot of personalities in the game and I had some very good friends back then, some of which have returned. However, overall I believe I prefer the smaller playerbase. I enjoy the RP that is much more prevalent (or perhaps just easier to find with less people around). I've made new friends, and though fewer in number the bonds are much stronger.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

Wow. Tough one here. I'm still being influenced today actually. But, overall, there are five. Phever, who constantly has to remind me that "Killing someone isn't how we do things, babe". Fisdan, who taught me rangers didn't HAVE to be tree hugging, moss covered hillbillies and being different was ok. Calean, who showed me what having a true friend in-game was all about. Valicar, who showed me that mistakes can be overcome and forgiven and that Knights are made, not born. And Turinrond, who taught me patience and that walking in the shadows didn't have to mean giving up the light, and that being bad wasn't ALL about not being good. All five of these people had great influences on Radeek and are a lot of the reason he's how he is today. There were many others who impacted Radeeks life, some of whom I remember their names, others I've lost to time.

Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato

Radeek Andoran
General, Drakes Vanguard
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 01:38 AM CDT
<<Funny thing that Kaedra is mentioned. Not "dissing" Kaedra, but truth be told I had never heard of her until I came back on this go-around. The "go to" cleric that I recall best was a dwarven Lorminstran named Kadesha. I've historically been low key, though, so there's likely a lot I missed.

Yeah exactly. I actually mistook the name of Kaedra for Kadesha when I came back a couple years ago. Though even before Kadesha there was Primum, king of the rescue.

I want to say I started in 1996 on AOL. I was 13 and was staying the night at a friend's house and he introduced me to it. But we found out some other kids at our school were also playing. Minus a few re-rolls, my first main character was Tiramisu, a pacifist who sat at the North Gate raising all day, by merits of tart crumbs he kept in a milk pail. The first time I quit I gave him and all his stuff away. Some of my friends ever saw the character again, and I was asking more recently, since I saw the name of the character I'd given everything to in the game (but that character easily could have been transferred as well).

When I came back I had Slimy for awhile who thought he was a gremlin, but that got boring after a brief stint. Around 2000 was when I rolled up Kaldonis and he's pretty much been my main character since. One summer in undergrad I must have gotten bored with Kaldonis and made Flail who was, at that time, a halfling warrior (eventually converted to a paladin since warriors past level 20 bore me to tears, giving me a reason to play him again).

From late 2002 through 2006 I didn't play at all. I think for a bit in 2007 I was playing. I came back in 2009 and played Platinum for probably a few months, and maybe a month or two in 2010/11. I guess since I came back in February of 2012 I've been playing fairly consistently (although consistently for me doesn't even mean getting Gift done every week).

>(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "Spiiiiiderhalfling!"

>Out of no where, a ki-lin gallops in.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 08:10 AM CDT
First: OMG I loves me some Greganth!

Now, to the post. I started playing in middle school back in the AOL days. Once it switched to the web, I wasn't allowed to switch with it. I picked it back up in college (2006ish) and have been playing since. I most definitely DO NOT have the same character as I did in middle school (that would be seriously scary), nor do I still have the character that I played when I originally came back (Avanine). Neither one terribly influences my RP, though I do think that since my first character back in those AOL times was a rogue, it left me with a taste of rogue wannabe.

I have so many alts, I'm not sure who my "main" is anymore >.>

My characters each have influences of their own. Hadya massively influenced my crazy gnome Vasudha. Greganth influenced Nisme (I wasn't sure I could pull off the rhyming thing until you started doing it around her too!), Telare influenced Vaedalis and eventually got me to join my first and only player run organization. Danno influenced Ijada, and Aiska has already influenced my newest alt addition Czshkela by making it impossible to be as surly as I originally intended her to be. Well, at least around the Softie. I have tons of others, but I'll stick with those since those are the ones I mostly play now.

I miss the larger player base, though I don't miss the days when it was over 1,000. I prefer 600-800 or so. Enough where you're going to find people in every town, but not so much that walking into TSC will overwhelm you with scroll.

Guess that's it!

-Vaedalis, et. al.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 10:45 AM CDT
>>Aiska has already influenced my newest alt addition Czshkela by making it impossible to be as surly as I originally intended her to be.

<maniacal laughter>

A Taladorian knight dies from your shot!
Level: 11
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 11:42 AM CDT
<maniacal laughter>

Careful now, I could still make a rug out of you yet!
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 04:17 PM CDT
>I assume it was late 1999 or early 2000, because I discovered GS through the INC magazine article, which Elonka's website has listed as:

Correction: I converted to Onar 12/26/99, so.. it was fall of 1999 that I started playing.

The big break I took was, according to logs, August 2009 to March 2014, so more like 4.5 years, not the 6/7 I've been stating elsewhere. Though I played my main very infrequently in 2009, due to my frustration with THROWN mechanics.

~ Bill, Coyote.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/08/2014 07:21 PM CDT
>so more like 4.5 years, not the 6/7 I've been stating elsewhere.

I kept thinking it wasn't that long. Glad I wasn't completely crazy. Time does this weird thing when you get older, it seems.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/09/2014 05:10 PM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I started in August of 06, I had recently moved in with a couple of people and one of them had played GS years before and started to play again because the mud we had been playing died.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Yes, although I did move my main to his own account to give the alts a chance. My character has been through a lot and it has certainly had an affect on him. Never did think I'd end up in the spot I am with him though.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

I have quite a few alts but I only really play 4 of them right now. Although at times I may dust off one of the others for a bit here and there.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

I wasn't playing when it was 1k+ but I do miss the number of people when I first started which was more in the 600-800 range.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

I won't share this one but for those that know him well enough it shouldn't be hard to guess.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/11/2014 01:52 AM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I started in early 97, I think. My friend from school was playing it and he had heard about it from an AOL X-Wing gaming club which also apparently still exists somehow. He got me into that, Gemstone, and Battletech around the same time. It was really the summer of 97 that got me addicted and one memory in particular that stands out is that British Orc invasion in Icemule.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

I still have my original character (warrior) and I have not rerolled since that summer. I thought getting to level 10 was a big deal back then, so I stuck with my main even though I had broken stats and training. It took me forever to get to level 25 (like three or four years) and by then I was mostly playing a rogue I created. By level 15 I could outhunt my warrior who got beat up by zombies and was essentially broken. The fixskills and fixstats that came along with GS4 helped me make my warrior viable again and I basically quit my rogue.

From 2002-2006 I also began starting new characters of different classes, usually pures or semis, and playing them through the lower levels before restarting (0-20). I neglected my warrior during this time but I still played enough to get to around level 40 with him before I deleted my account (around 2007/8?) and when I reactivated (2010?) I only brought back my warrior and have been playing since. Finally hit 84 the other day.

It has taken me a long time to figure out how to get a character right, that's for sure. I used to be much more overt about roleplaying even though I still sucked at staying IC. Now I'm mostly focused on capping.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

At this point I just want to cap a character so not really interested in alts.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

Things seemed a lot more exciting when there were more players. I used to live in Icemule during the AOL/Internet switchover and it was night and day how quiet the town immediately got after all the AOL only people left. Of course, back then a lot of things about the game were still a mystery. I hadn't seen most places, there was no lich, narost, or krakiipedia, so the world kind of seemed bigger. Despite this, nowadays there are much better storylines and events, plus my main character is viable -- so I prefer things the way they are now even with less players.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

At the time probably that Mad Prince of Denmark guy, if that counts.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/11/2014 03:21 AM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

99 or '00, I think, I honestly don't remember. My elder brother played it and got me into it. I have a very clear but strange memory-feeling of the first few days of it that will always stick with me. Something that made me feel that this sort of thing was up my alley. A nostalgia but in reverse, you know?

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Nope. I don't even remember my character's name or most of that world, honestly. I was much younger and didn't invest much in the RP past staying in character. When I came back, it was starting new entirely.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

Zero. I experimented with alts for a bit, but decided I wanted to flesh out Rowmi and tell his story fully. I don't do well with writing multiple stories at once. Right now, I'm having far too much fun with Rowmi to switch gears. Maybe I will start another character in the future (In the beginning, I debated whether making a Shadow from FF6 type character, but decided I didn't want to play a quiet character this time.)

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

Keep in mind that I was much younger, viewed the game differently, and didn't really RP as much...but the smaller scene is amazing. I came back and was completely surprised at the depth, skill, immersion and inclusiveness of the player's RP here. I came back because of nostalgia and stayed because I was simply stunned by how much everyone made it fun for me. On that note, I don't get all the arguments regarding RP. I found everyone who wanted to RP was inclusive and inviting. The evil, or good, or annoying, or difficult characters are still willing to interact, and we as players can entertain each other by writing mutual stories. It really was a new experience to be a part of a moving story, with hundreds of different writers. It simply cannot be duplicated through other media. I had some amazing times RPing with all the different "cliques" and learning about them in turn. Everyone has their groups, but the good RPers will always interact. And that small detail brought me back, and to stay. Thank you to all the players that have affected Rowmi in some way for good or bad--you know who you are. And also thanks to the GMs that make it possible.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

My character is still relatively new to the scene--only 11 months (wow that time flew, though.) But, I think the PCs know who they are, who helped shaped Rowmi. He made some very close friendships that have helped him through the rollercoaster of this last year. As for the NPC, it was Walkar. Rowmi only knew him as the half-skeletal, berserking shadow of a man, because that is all he saw. He only learned the truth of the man until it was after the fact, and the realization that the shadow turned Walkar into the abomination shook Rowmi to the core. It really illustrated the broad, harsh power that is threatening the world; and the fact that Rowmi was so zealous to save his new home that he never stopped to research into Walkar's past--the fact that Walkar was once just a man who made a choice that he thought was correct--humbled him greatly. Thanks to that player/character (you know who you are) that showed him that, it really was a turning point in his development.

-The mind behind Rowmi's eyes.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/11/2014 10:56 AM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I think it may have been '96. I had played a similar game on a local BBS called Compass Rose but moved to another state. At the time AOL chatrooms were entertaining and someone from one of those chatrooms pointed me towards GS. I believe it was free for AOL subscribers.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?

Lost my first character going demonic in the kobold village. Reinvented him, created v2.0, and still have him. He was a river rat when the boot was still around. Since then I have made a few other chars that I still keep. While I still have my first "main" I've switched focus to another around 2005 and still play today.

My memory is cloudy about exact dates but I've taken multiple years or more time off from GS since I first played it. I spent a good deal of time in Legends of Future Past, Inferno, and various other MUDs/MMORPGs.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

I don't mind the smaller player base. In fact I think I enjoy it more. From my perspective it is easier to keep up with less people! Plus I think everyone is a little more clued in to the whole RP thing. I'd rather have a smaller group of good RPers than 2000 people who barely grasp the RP aspect.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?

Well, early on it was the bard community, the restafarians, then later the Ta'Vaalor crew. Hard to pick out just one person so I will say the GS community as a whole. You guys help make this game as entertaining as it is.

Chad, player of a few
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/11/2014 12:55 PM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?
It was a long time ago, that's for sure!

I found the game on GEnie, though I really couldn't play it all that much. I remember I rolled up a character who used archery, and someone pulled me aside to very politely tell me archery wasn't actually working. They walked me through what I needed to know, but I didn't get really far into the game.

When Prodigy came out with their 30 hours for $30.00 plan, I went full bore! I mean, a whole thirty hours?! Wow! That was so much time! Of course, I ended up playing way more than thirty hours and had to deal with insanely high bills, but, hey, I was young with a lot of disposable income.

From around that time frame, I remember little details - like, coming upon someone's pile of stuff after they had decayed. I rummaged through what was left, and guiltily stole a few items. I was a grave robber-- and only level five or so.

I remember the glacier opening, and being there when the trail to Icemule was discovered. We fought in the same room as Blades (or was it Bleeds?) and it was such a fan girl moment.

I remember how rare getting something dyed was, and it was such a big deal when the dwarves brought around their wares. I remember my first alteration was an overly ornate ridicuously opulent wedding dress-- that I'd never use. It came from the boutique opening in the Landing, and I managed to be one of the first five people to find the merchant. I was so caught off guard by actually getting an alteration, that I told the merchant to do whatever. It was *diamond dusted*, covered in roses, and sparkled with virginal bliss.

I remember having to borrow 50,000 silver from my friend Caranorn so I could buy a fel-hafted vultite waraxe for a whopping 150,000 silvers. That piece of kit made being a warrioress -fun-.

>Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

Kaylari was a fiery haired and fiery tempered warrioress. I played her for a lot of years, but then decided I wanted to know what 'going demonic' meant. I had my friends help me kill her over and over in creative ways until I finally had that experience.

I left the game for a few years, then returned to play a sylvan Lumnisite cleric. She wasn't very Sylvan-y, more of a human with pointed ears, but I really began to appreciate the idea of roleplay and cooperative storytelling. I had some memorable roleplay experiences on that character, enough to really cement my love for Gemstone and its community.

I met my husband outside of the game, only to find out he was also an old school Gemstoner! We came back to the game together about six years ago and began playing Fehala and Aihan. Unfortunately, like so many others, when the economy went flat all of our luxuries had to go - and the high price of this game made it be the first on the list. Reminiscing in the car brought us back for another go-around, so we're giving it another try! This is our first week back, and, woah, it's a lot to catch up on.

>How many alts do you play and do you actively play them? Why or why not?
I tend to be a one character person. I spend a lot of time developing many layers to my characters; motivations, backstory, quirks, fears, strengths, weaknesses, etc. I build up those layers, leaving room for in-game growth, and then see where a character takes off. I find that I can't devote that same amount of attention when I play alts.

In my twenty years, I've really only played three characters.

>If you've played for a while, do you like a small player base better (the 300-ishnow), or a larger (like the 1000+ days)?

As odd as it sounds, I think the community felt more like a cooperative storytelling experience when it was larger. I remember knowing I could go to Hearthstone to find experienced people to ask questions of, or for roleplay. Now, when I try to talk to people, I get the AFK-zombie stare -- and that's rather disheartening for someone who loves roleplay so much.

I think the roleplay quality is greatly improved these days, it just seems to be harder to find those active people. I'm confident my husband and I will get back into the swing of things and find where the roleplay is, it just takes time and persistence.

>Most influential PC/NPC on your main character?
For Kaylari, it would have to be my friends Caranorn and Nystul. We arranged for Wednesday to be -our day-, and rain, shine, tragedy, or triumph, we met every Wednesday and went out on an adventure. It was a bit like a DnD tabletop group, but without the table, or the DnD-- so, just the group.

For the Lumnisite, it would have to be Kadesha and Armaxis. The light and dark play between them had my character caught in the middle, and it was neat to see where she would go based on their actions. It was a character driven story, and I loved every moment of it.

For Fehala, I would say it was the entire sylvan community around the last time we played. It was so much fun bringing the culture to life, made even better by some of the events the GMs put on.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/20/2014 07:11 AM CDT
Yeah, sorry for the misleading thread title. I just heard someone use that term and it made me giggle.

Year you first played. How did you discover it?

I first played back in 2000. I was always interested in fantasy art and was browsing Elfwood. One girl had mad portraits of GSIII characters. I was hooked. I still remember running around pantless...sometimes with no armor. I wish I could recall the characters name that picked me up and dusted me off. They took the time to hand hold for a bit to get me situated in a game with a steep learning curve. I played casually for a few years, always watching from the outskirts, just doing my own thing. I took many breaks. I have been playing more these last few years than anytime since I started.

Still have your original characters? Account? Does it effect how you play? Have your characters grown?

I've had many accounts started then left when real life took over. I was a compulsive reroller anyway. The characters I have now are the only ones that made it back level 10 :P. Until a few years ago, I stayed in character but I never really got involved in roleplay. The storylines with that many people...seemed overwhelming. I watched. None of my characters from yon grew. My two recent mains, yes they have. They are living, breathing things and I love it.


I play with different professions form time to time but I only have two that I really play. One for the most part. I don't level quickly, I love sitting and watching or gabbing more then hunting. Cap is a dream.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 06/20/2014 10:12 AM CDT

NPC question

Hmmmm, that's hard. I don't interact much with NPCs to the point where they have the impact a player/character might. I have many wonderful players to thank for shaping my gals. I believe both I play are still in growing pains even after said time. Who knows where the wind will blow or what moment will define them. I can't wait to see.
Re: I've been here since Kaedra swung mithril! 07/04/2014 03:22 AM CDT
>Year you first played. How did you discover it?

It was on AOL. I'm going to say 1995 maybe? It was shorty before the move to the web. I did not play for long at that time, but I came back in about 1998 and, aside from a few breaks, I have been playing consistently since then.

>Still have your original characters?
No, not the one from the AOL days, but I essentially recreated him (same class, name one letter different), when I came back in 1998. I still play him--he's about level 70 now. But he's not my highest level character--that would be my level 82 rogue. I have a lot of characters--21 that I play at least periodically, not including locker mules.

I still have the account from when I came back in '98 (this account), but I also have two others, all premium.

>Does it effect how you play?
Only to the degree that I sometimes get bored with things I have done a lot of times and sprint through them more than I used to. But not much.

>Have your characters grown?
In more ways than I have the energy to list right now. And some more than others. My highest-level character is a rogue who was a voln master who died one night in the Landing. A cleric in Town Center offered to raise him but them dragged him off to an alley and performed a very spooky luukos ritual, saying that he was claiming my rogue's soul. That confused the heck out of him, to the extent that he left Voln for CoL. He never turned evil, but he is more self-interested as a result of the whole experience. Some characters have changed in ways like that. Other changes have been based on mechanics. For example, I had created a half-krol paladin of V'tull, but I am rotten at playing evil characters and I could never get into him. I stopped playing him completely for a while at about level 12. Then monks were released, and I converted him and came up with a story that he had been a part of a band of Lornon-based bandits who betrayed him and left him badly injured in the forest. He was rescued by a group of Voln monks who nursed him back to health, and he ended up joining them, converting to worship of Koar, and pretty much renouncing all wealth and valuable possessions. He's now one of my favorite characters to play, but the change was purely based on the monk release. I have a few characters who have changed in ways like that as well.

>Add a question yourself!
If you have been playing for a long time, do you ever miss the lower levels?

I do. I hate the fact that they go by so quickly now. It's one reason I have so many characters.


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"