At the top of the basalt escarpment with the briny air roiling up with every wave that smashed against the cliff, Mirkk stood gazing out into the sea that was eaten up by the mist that surrounded the island. The rain was not as bad as it had been, but had still been continuous. He blew upward from his mouth in an attempt to rid himself of the water droplets hanging from his nose and hair. Perhaps I do need a hat. He watched for a long while, his thoughts drifting to several different things, but always coming back to the same subject. As he looked out at the sea, occasionally he thought he could see a humpback whale breaking the surface and exhaling a mist into the air as it took filled its lungs full of air. Or was that an eel tentacle? He shook his head as if to clear it as he heard the thumping of heavy paws coming up behind him. He turned.
“Hello, River,” he said to the white tiger that padded up to him, nudging Mirkk with his greying muzzle. He’s getting older. I can see it in his face. Though I suppose I am too. Unexpectedly, the tiger faltered and fell as one of his front paws seemingly gave out from under him. Mirkk watched with a curious concern as the tiger managed to regain his footing and right himself. Mirkk scratched him behind the ear with a questioning glance, and turned back to the sea.
At that moment, one of Eni’s longboats had already cast off and was heading out into the mist. This stirred both relief and anxiety in him. He was relieved that others were getting of this strange and seemingly dreadful isle – something Rohese had been championing and toward which they and others had been diligently working. The anxiety, however, came from a different place. Storms can be devastating for any vessel on the open sea. This he knew from experience. Best not to let those thoughts creep back. He murmured a quick prayer to both Charl and Niima on behalf of those brave souls departing Caligos and found his thoughts drifting once again.
There was another who was out there on the seas right now – not on this coast, somewhere far to the west – that he wished would return home soon. He turned his gaze westward and was greeted by a wall of fog not too far off the shore. He frowned as he considered how turbulent the weather could be and wished his friend would come home safely and soon. There were many who missed him. Is it greedy of me to wish his swift return? Safety, first. Yes, that is most important during these rough seas. Then return to us as swiftly as you can.
He pulled his longcoat tightly closed around him and turned away from the sea. “Come, River,” he said as he moved down the trail, the tiger following closely behind.