The morning was still pale when Rohese rose from her bed. The air held an autumnal chill, causing her to draw her brushed cotton robe tightly around her; her senses were heightened lately and she was still adjusting to it.
Picking up the small book she had wearily abandoned the night before, she resumed her seat at the window and carefully turned back a page. The book was in a poor condition, its battered leather covers barely held in place by loops of frayed cotton and the ink on the flimsy pages faded to brown. Opting not to light a candle, she tilted it into the early morning light to re-read the passage that had intrigued her, slowly mouthing the words under her breath.
By knot of one, the spell's begun.
Rohese noticed the dormant text beneath her pale skin began to rise up to the surface again, faintly at first but building layer upon layer to reproduce the words of the incantation, just as it had done a few hours earlier.
By knot of two, the spell be true.
The second line of text joined the first beneath her skin and her fingers started to tingle. In an attempt to relieve the sensation, she pressed her thumb against her little finger and gasped in surprise as silvery motes started to form at her fingertips.
By knot of three, the spell is free.
Releasing her fingers quickly, the silvery motes skittered across the back of her hand, dancing lightly over the faint words as they settled into place on her skin.
A small green tongue of fire suddenly sparked in her palm and caught the corner of the page. Crying out, she dropped the book, and the flame extinguished itself as quickly as it had appeared leaving just a tiny curl of smoke.
Rohese sighed and ashamedly retrieved the book noting the damage she had caused; the page badly singed at the edges and the front cover now hanging loosely from a single strand of cotton. Reassembling it, she gingerly placed it back on the seat and gazed out of the window, lost in thought.
If this is what I am capable of without actually tying any knots, I think I am going to need some help!