Standing there after so many years, my eyes taking in the familiar and feeling somewhat "at home" and yet... surreal at the same time.
The way had been blocked a while back when I made my last attempt, the passage filled with rubble. I'd been disappointed not to complete my pilgrimage where I had hoped to find the deserted aerie still intact. There I had planned to hold an annual rite dedicated to my Queen.
But now, with the way open again, I stood transfixed in the courtyard of this reverential building. Tall marbles walls crawled with jasmine vine and my favorite, purple nightshade, crept alongside the steps leading up to the ironwood doors. Measured was my pace as I climbed to test the entry. Tingling with anticipating, I worried... had I come this far to find them locked? My heart pounded.
A loud creaking echoed as I pulled the massive ironwood portal open, the noise reverberating through the overwhelming entrance hall. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the change in illumination, from the over-washed mid-day sun outside, to more muted surroundings broken by shards of light beaming in from the crystal dome overhead.
My lips pursed in a small frown. This did not look as abandoned as I recalled. It looked... occupied. Or at the least, kept in good condition by... someone.
Wandering into the west parlor, I stopped and stood, mesmerized by the display of changing constellations created by gems. Tactile by nature, I must touch everything, and so that was how I found a hidden passage I had missed before. Ducking into it, I had to chuckle when I emerged. The kitchen. Of course. My friends would think this amusing. No food though, no delicacies to fill my pockets! What is this door over here? The pantry perhaps?
Exercising absolutely no caution, I opened it and found myself standing before a small row of cells. But... only three. Surely this could not have held the hundreds of those who had built the retreat. Glancing at a nearby table, I half-smirked upon spying a glaes-handled ebon leather whip and a pile of rusting leg irons. I knew who would find those fascinating and made note to invite him for a tour another time. With a soft laugh, I climbed back up the stairs toward the kitchen, then headed back out to the entrance hall.
The east parlor reminded me of some of the features similar to Eorgina's Temple in Solhaven. Whereas the west parlor had darker elements, a lighter theme dominated here — just as niches paid tribute to both the Lornon and Liabo pantheons (as well as neutral) set in the building of worship found in the seaside town. Another hidden door led to a storage space filled with luxurious blankets and pillows, and dropcloth-covered furnishings. It seemed slightly odd, but a cat-like curiosity drew my eyes to another door on the opposite side of the room. I could not resist!
Nothing quite says danger like a dark stairwell... why would that stop me? Down I descended into a network of workrooms filled with tables covered with sewing needles, spools of thread, and measuring tools. Venturing further, another area had implements for carpentry. Moving on further, one for statuary with a half-finished work of art. And then, living quarters that did not feature any cots, bedding, or other basic items necessary for cooking or sleeping comfort. On some of the worktables, a single red apple had been set. Narrowing my eyes, I spun around looking for signs of other recent visitors but found none. Who of Her faithful had also made this trip, I wondered.
Back in the entrance hall, I eyed the central staircase leading upward. Of course I would go! My eyes took in the surroundings as I neared the upper landing, again amazed by how well-kept everything seemed. So disjointed from my last memory of this place.
Entering the western salon, a door led to a suite featuring a blue theme. Crossing to the eastern salon, I paused and frowned slightly. Another red apple left on a table! Goosebumps were appearing along my arms. I felt cold. Shaking off this feeling of doom, I continued.
Here a door led to a green-themed suite. I shook my head slowly, more out of mystification with the fresh fruit left around in the various locations. And yes, I did swipe one!
North of the upper landing was a lovely solarium, good-sized, plenty of seating areas for people to enjoy the setting. Yes, this would be nice for a discourse, not so much a rite, unless done purely as presentation. Again, my desire to touch textiles and textures ignored any warning my brain might have tried to signal, as I moved about the sun-filled space. Off to the side, a large balcony offered a dizzying view, but it was another stairway that drew me like siren song. Once more, I climbed. The small perched landing here looked down on the solarium below before curving around to... a dead end? I could not help letting out a deep sigh and rubbing a now aching temple.
Was my memory so... faulty? I had recalled sitting in a room several years ago, torn curtains teased by zephyrs, dead leaves scattered on the floor, furniture faded from neglect due to element damage to the balcony-side wall, as Mithumbras and I had enjoyed a small lunch I had packed for the journey, and we talked about Her and mused about the days when Eorgina had resided at Li'aerion.
With a shrug, I conceded that maybe I was confusing what we knew of the history here with what we had found and simply overlapped them in my mind.
The only sign of previous destruction was now limited to scorching that scarred the grey marble beneath an empty platinum stand that once held a giant black diamond on the balcony, I leaned back against the warmed wall, eyes initially noting the beauty of the jagged mountainside, before my thoughts turned internal.
It was definitely a place of beauty and one could easily see why She had been so pleased with it. Then why abandon it? And why, if She had let it go, was it intact to perfection? Maybe the Queen still wandered in Li'aerion when She knew no one was around. Or perhaps she shadowed her followers…
By my hand,
Berkana LeJardine Faendryl
"Yet from those flames; No light, but rather darkness visible."