Jus' saying.
Reckon ye ain't drinking enough ale, dat or ye off huggin trees an smooching on a gnome.
~ some dwarf who may or may not have found his way back.
Re: Bloody quiet in here...
04/09/2015 08:55 AM CDT
Darn Dwarf! I've been watching this bloody dead forum every !@#$%^&*() day for posts figuring I'd quit after a year of no posts. And along comes a bloody dwarf and tells me I'm not drinking enough! You better find your way back here! So you can criticize my drinking habits to my face!
Re: Bloody quiet in here...
04/09/2015 11:40 PM CDT
If I liked elfs, I'd say.."Bout time my favorite damn pointy ear got around tah' welcoming me properly!"
Aye..shall be seeing ye shortly Ran.
Hope ya'self an the rest ain't grown to accustom tah' peace an quiet, cause dat's all gone now!
Let tha' trouble an hijinks ensue!
Notta, keeping Ran young by causing all sorts of mischief.