Meeting Minutes 03/14/13
03/19/2013 07:29 AM CDT
Willow Hall
First In - Last Out
Willow Guardian:
Lord Ohnus
Lord Rasti
Lord Ranpalandil
Scroll Keeper:
Lady Kizalia
Archive Keeper:
Lady Cheas
Lord Landrat
Lady Aisalt
Lord Nattor
Minutes for Niiman, day 14 of the month Charlatos in the year 5113.
Members in attendance: Ohnus, Ranpalandil, Cheas, Oary
Because I really am short on Time today I'm just sending the parsed logs. Seeing as this is my first itme sending In meeting minutes it will be improved over time.
I currently do not have a list of the upcoming events which will be remedied in the future issues of the meeting minutes.
If you have any questions and or comments please feel free to ask me I WIll do what I can to help you out to the best of my abilities!
Want to let everyoen know your birthday is coming up?! Lemme know and it WIll be posted on future meeting Minutes!
Have something you want to announce to your Willow Hall Family? Let me know! Hope to see yall at the meetings!
I know I'm a work in progress but I gotta start somewheres!
Also here: Ohnus who is sitting, Oary who is kneeling
Oary asks, "Our coffers doing well then?"
Ohnus says, "Either it is done or it aint."
Ohnus nods.
Ohnus nods at Oary.
Ohnus says, "I would say."
Ohnus says, "Well over 300m."
You say, "Howdie doodie."
Ohnus says, "And even kobolds have coins."
Ohnus nods at Oary.
Oary nods.
Ohnus says, "Evening to you."
You exclaim, "Aint nobodoies here!"
Ohnus smiles at you.
Ohnus says, "Doesn't matter how many times you say it."
Ohnus nods to you.
Ohnus taps himself on the chest.
Ohnus says, "I am somebody."
Ohnus says, "And oary has joined us."
Ohnus says, "And you were a nobody last week."
Ohnus says, "Peraps if you tied a chop around your neck."
You say, "I wuz a nobodies last weeks."
Ohnus says, "Only by your definition."
Ohnus nods.
Ohnus says, "Going to e just a moment."
Ohnus says, "Pologies."
An old silver-muzzled wolf snores quietly in her sleep.
Oary nods.
Ohnus mutters something about coffee.
Ohnus pushes his spectacles up the bridge of his nose.
Oary chuckles.
Ohnus smiles at Oary.
Ohnus says, "Is on the late side for me as well."
Ohnus chuckles.
Ohnus takes a drink from his iced coffee.
Oary nods.
Ohnus says, "Long days are good days."
Ohnus nods.
Ohnus says, "If you make them your own leastways."
Ohnus chuckles.
Ohnus asks, "What would you like see done in the house?"
Ohnus asks, "Have you seen the handbooks?"
Ohnus peers quizzically at Oary.
You exclaim, "Make it green and sparklie!"
Oary asks, "Are they recent?"
Ohnus nods at Oary.
Oary says, "Then I have not."
Ohnus says, "To you I would think."
Oary smiles at you.
Ranpalandil says, "Hello all."
Ohnus says, "They were finished about 6months ago."
Ohnus nods at Oary.
Ranpalandil grins.
Ohnus says, "I think that would be a latest doing."
Ohnus grins.
Oary nods.
Ohnus asks, "Green and sparlie?"
Ohnus glances at you.
Oary says, "I havent even heard of them."
Ohnus smiles at Oary.
Ohnus says, "Is a lot of potential."
Ohnus nods.
Ranpalandil grins at you.
Ohnus says, "With focus things could be done."
You exclaim, "Yeah! Sparklies attraked!"
Ohnus says, "Always."
Ohnus chuckles.
Ohnus smiles at you.
Ohnus asks, "You going to tell me I should make them too?"
Ohnus chuckles.
You say, "Welllll."
You say, "You ish a wiggler."
Ohnus says, "I can waggle."
Ohnus nods to you.
Ohnus says, "And wiggle on occasion."
Ohnus asks, "Spoken to aisalt or landrat?"
Ohnus cocks his head at Ranpalandil.
Speaking to Ohnus, Ranpalandil says, "Not since the last meeting."
Ohnus agrees with Ranpalandil.
Ohnus says, "Speaking of which."
Ohnus glances at you.
Ohnus says, "There were no other nominations."
Ohnus nods to you.
Ranpalandil smiles at you.
Ohnus says, "If you still are agreeable."
Ohnus says, "Tere has been discussion of the houses 15th anniversary."
Ohnus nods at Oary.
Ohnus asks, "Perhaps something you would be interested in?"
Ohnus cocks his head at you.
Ohnus says, "A long time in coming."
Ohnus nods to you.
Ohnus asks, "Nothign has been settled with the event?"
You say, "Which event."
Ohnus asks, "I believe it is one that aisalt is doing?"
Ohnus says, "And she might be thinking that ranpalandil is doing."
Ranpalandil says, "No, I'll send Aisalt a message after the meeting and see what she has to say."
Ohnus says, "And i dont know."
Ohnus says, "Wasnt much done at the last meeting."
Ohnus says, "And a lot left unsaid."
Ranpalandil says, "We were talking about doing Fungus fun."
Ranpalandil says, "Fungus fun is a game where folks pick mushrooms and we pays them for each species they find, and pay them double or nothing if they can eat the edbible ones and drop the poisnous ones."
Ohnus asks, "You know the oath?"
Ohnus says, "The officers oath."
Ohnus says, "Kneel."
You say, "I Cheas, having been entrusted by the Members of Willow Hall to hold the office of Archive Keeper, do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the beliefs of Willow Hall. I swear to wield the powers given me for the betterment of the House and its Members. I hereto commit my life in allegiance to Willow Hall, to the Members of Willow Hall, and to the lands in which I roam."
Ohnus intones the mystic words of investiture...
"With these words and by this action...
"...I invest you as Archive Keeper of our House!"
(Ohnus places his left hand on your head)
"...Receive now the secrets of your office!"
There is a flash of light!
And as suddenly as it appears, it is gone!
You are pretty dazed. You understand most of what you need to in order to take on the duties of your office; however, you feel a need for Ohnus's guidance in order to learn all the tricks of the trade.
(Your new position is endowed with Secretary powers.)
Ohnus smiles.
Ranpalandil turns to you and cheers!
Ohnus bows to you.
Ohnus pulls you to your feet.
Ohnus sets about preparing you to be as presentable as possible.
Ohnus gives you a friendly hug.
Ohnus smiles at you.
Ohnus designates you as the new leader of the group.
Ohnus says, "Fireside room."
Ohnus says, "One thing i wotn be helping you with is finding your way back to the fireside room."
Ohnus exclaims, "Mush!"
[Willow Hall, Memorial Room]
[Willow Hall, Willow Room]
[Willow Hall, Corridor]
[Willow Hall, Garden]
[Willow Hall, Great Room]
[Willow Hall, Fireside Room]
Ohnus says, "Easy peasy."
You say, "I ish a ranjar."
Ranpalandil grins.
Ohnus grins at you.
Ohnus says, "You are indeed."
Ohnus smiles at you.
-Cheas the Forest Gnome of Wendwillow
-Willow Hall - Archive Keeper