Willow Hall - Meeting Minutes 05-29-12 06/03/2012 10:05 PM CDT
Willow Hall
First In - Last Out

Willow Guardian:Lady Anta jesscloreto@gmail.com
Branch Guardian:Lord Ohnus dyxie98@yahoo.com
Exchequer: Lord Rasti gsrasti@aol.com
Scroll Keeper: Lady Kizalia kizalia@me.com
Chancellor: Lady Alexys gsalexys@aol.com
Judges: Lord Mamu ishvar.prasad@gmail.com
Lord Selvan troutgames@yahoo.com
Arbitrator: Lord Nattor trystan.hayden@gmail.com

Upcoming Events:

6/16 Bounty Help 10pm EST in the tent outside the Adventurer's Guild in Wehnimer's Landing
6/29 Lost Ranger with White Haven 9pm EST in Icemule

Next week's meeting (6/5/12) will be held in the Icemule Annex.

Meeting minutes for Tilamaires, day 29 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5112.

Members in attendance: Ohnus, Nattor, Kizalia, Anta, Rasti. Tykeara, Lyracellan, Ranpalandil by amunet.

Anta: [Willow Hall] "So i'll just do a quick reminder about bounty help this weekend."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "We'll be doing spells, skinning, foraging, hunting bounties and the like in our house tent in front of the adventurer's guild in the Landing."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "On Feastday, at 10:00 in the evening."

Ranpalandil: [Willow Hall] "You notice the new imbeddables? Tykeara gave me some boxes to change appearance wiregrass aklets and bracelets and tree bark amulets."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "They are holding an annual affirmation festival."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "It will be the last month of Koaratos."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "That is the 27th through the 29th. If you are interested in hosting a game or event, you should speak with our Alliance representative, Alexys."

Rasti: [Willow Hall] "The coffers presently hold 323,004,646 silvers and to our credit we yet retain 18 Influence points."

Rasti: [Willow Hall] "Please dig deep and give generously to the Hall."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "Clearly we haven't been spending enough."

Rasti: [Willow Hall] "I was thinking the very thing."

Anta: [Willow Hall] "Oh hey, we had a visit from Yoss? Coming out of the forests to donate 40k to the hall."

Rasti: [Willow Hall] "I'll give you more detailed report once I get settled again."

A discussion was led by Tykeara on the happenings in the Landing. Anta then adjourned the meeting.


Scroll Keeper