So Silvergate Inn's very recent post got me to thinking... I was curious about how much, if any, interest there would be among our membership in adding a keyed private room with storage to the structure in White Haven? Two thoughts:
1) If there is enough interest, we could hold a contest to allow folks in general to submit a design for the room (the winning design may or may not be used in its entirety / submitted format)
and then...
2) We could raffle off or auction off exclusive use of the room for a 12 month period (at which point the key would be collected and we could do this again or we could have the room re-keyed if the winner was no longer available). So the room would be a prestige place as well as a potential on-going source of income for the house.
Is this exciting and fun or should we focus on other events and projects that might be even more exciting and fun? Post your thoughts here or feel free to contact me in game or via email if you don't wish to express your thoughts and ideas publicly. I'll also set aside some time to discuss at the end of our next service night (December 1st 9:30 pm EST to 10:30 pm EST).
-- Faulkil