>An elder elf leans, a creaking sound comes from his back. He flips his white hairs out of his eyes and focuses on the parchment in his hands.
Fellow Members,
After many years of dutifully serving Our House, I find the Lands beneath my feet swiftly moving on the currents. I have had the pleasure to boast working with the best of the best as Chairman of this Great House. I have felt great Honor representing, as a leader, an organization that brought me great joy for decades and continues to do so.
I am excited to announce the responsibility and acclaim are carried now by one Logeerkamer. She wears the mantle of Officer well, wielding the tools, honing skills, and earning the support of the House as she supported it in turn. I continue to offer my support to the House and our new leader as we go forward.
May the House Rise,
Rolfard Spellbindar