Academy Convocation - Tonight! 08/23/2012 06:02 PM CDT
A reminder:

The official convocation for Rone Academy will occur at 8:00PM EST tonight in conjunction with Frontier Days.

After the formal accession of our new Regent, a speech will be given and a new direction for the Academy outlined. The occasion will be capped with three raffles. An item of great power, an item of historical significance, and an item of cultural significance. All three raffles will draw at approximately 9:00PM EST. Tickets are priced at 25,000 coins each.

Rone Academy is located in striking distance of Wehnimer's Museum. South, down a path, through a yard and up some steps to the Front Porch.

Re: Academy Convocation - Tonight! 08/24/2012 09:46 PM CDT
>The official convocation for Rone Academy will occur at 8:00PM EST tonight in conjunction with Frontier Days.

Figures, was at a celebratory dinner for the latest piece of work achieved and edited :( I'm a fair bit 3 sheets to the wind at the moment. Or pickled. Or so drunk I can only type about 120 wpm. WHEEEEEE

Keep posting here when the next may be so hopefully no recent work of fiction is complteed and being celebrated at the time.

ENN: All the news that's fit to print, and even more that isn't - Anonymous