Meeting Minutes 11/21 02/26/2019 07:12 PM CST
Forgive the lateness of this reporting. All items are always open to commentary/feedback.

*Motion put forward to reinstate Marroc as Forgelord and make him a support officer. Motion submitted to Obsidian Council for vote.
*Eoghain and Xeta have an idea about hosting a public execution of an escaped slave who was recaptured, for the lulz.
*Motion put forward to have Azimar's written work added to Tower library as permanent/readable display. Submitted to Obsidian Council for vote.
*One last attempt was put forward to request return of Tower-funds-purchased shop presently in possession of Debia to rightful owner, Pectactl, with the Obsidian Council agreeing to just eat the cost of it, as a matter of propriety. Email sent to Debia to make 3rd and final request. Still no response.
*Notification that Obsidian Tower Discord is best avenue for communication due to in-game membership scheduling difficulties. Official announcements made there regularly. Link to server has been in CHE message of the day for months.