This meeting was rather short, not too much information to put forth.
Alisaire has stepped down from her officership role. We're all grateful in how instrumental she was in the transition last year.
Charter revisions were discussed, again, including minimum event requirements for all officership, as well as adjustments to small IP expenditures/requiring notice.
We've set up a merchant for 9/1, which is a Sunday. 8:30 Eastern. The merchant will be open to the public, but serving membership first.
Some follow up/outreach is required for the talk of the Annex with the Mirror, which Xeta spearheaded. We likely won't see any progress with this until the Mirror makes a public appearance.
We are in need of some ideas for Frontier Days. If anyone has any good ideas, let us know.
05/19/2018 06:37 PM CDT
Thank you for posting here, since I can't make meetings.
Some thoughts:
What's the status of officership for Treasurer? There was a huge push to oust non-council from holding the symbolism of a full officership, which was agreed on in the charter. The role hasn't been addressed since Sept. I'm sure Elidi can help with transitions. I know I keep hounding about this, but this was specifically a voted charter decision and dodging it has gone on too long now.
Charter revisions were mentioned, but it's not even been 8 months since the new charter was voted in. Can you elaborate on this, and minimum event requirements?
To add my opinion, I suspect IP expenditures for events is ok - but changes to the Tower structure should be reviewed by the membership for house usefulness/RP function.
A side question: What is the role of "VICE" as in the vice-chair and co-vice chair as held by Xeta and Avaia? These are not positions currently recognized in the voted charter.
Are they above, below or equal to co-chair? Are they active officers, or only in the chair's absence?
Whichever the case, a discussion needs to be had on whatever these new "vice" roles are supposed to be since they are clearly separate, and if they will be officiated to the charter.
Awesome for the merchant, that's an excellent idea. I can't say I can make it but thank you for this.
I can reprise my discourse on torture I gave, the last time the Tower was a part of Frontier Days.
-==Social Media Stuff==-
Some thoughts:
What's the status of officership for Treasurer? There was a huge push to oust non-council from holding the symbolism of a full officership, which was agreed on in the charter. The role hasn't been addressed since Sept. I'm sure Elidi can help with transitions. I know I keep hounding about this, but this was specifically a voted charter decision and dodging it has gone on too long now.
Charter revisions were mentioned, but it's not even been 8 months since the new charter was voted in. Can you elaborate on this, and minimum event requirements?
To add my opinion, I suspect IP expenditures for events is ok - but changes to the Tower structure should be reviewed by the membership for house usefulness/RP function.
A side question: What is the role of "VICE" as in the vice-chair and co-vice chair as held by Xeta and Avaia? These are not positions currently recognized in the voted charter.
Are they above, below or equal to co-chair? Are they active officers, or only in the chair's absence?
Whichever the case, a discussion needs to be had on whatever these new "vice" roles are supposed to be since they are clearly separate, and if they will be officiated to the charter.
Awesome for the merchant, that's an excellent idea. I can't say I can make it but thank you for this.
I can reprise my discourse on torture I gave, the last time the Tower was a part of Frontier Days.
-==Social Media Stuff==-
06/05/2018 08:14 PM CDT
Status of officership for Treasurer is the same it's been for a year or more. No one is dodging anything there. The charter specifies the Highlord as Chairman, and the other 4 council members as CHE officer-at large. The charter states: "Council members shall be Dhe'nar elves with a roleplayed background appropriately representing their respective Council Chair's sphere of influence or caste. CHE Officers at large may be Co-Chair, Secretary, Co-Secretary, Treasurer, or Co-Treasurer." Xandalf is a CHE officer-at-large, currently serving as co-treasurer. Varucca is still actively serving as Treasurer. TO the best of our knowledge, they are both content with their roles. If any House member is not content with either of those roles, that house member is allowed to challenge for the position they qualify for, in game.
I just posted the charter revision text a few minutes ago. It should appear above this post.
You are correct that Vice-chair is not in the charter. The Vice-Chair positions were never eliminated and are currently used as additional officer slots for council members (otherwise there would have only been 3 for a 5 person council before Alisaire left). I'm more than happy to propose including those roles with their traditional backup and current officer duties into the charter as well. Good idea.
06/11/2018 08:01 PM CDT
Thanks for the clarification.
I have no issue at all with keeping Varucca as prime Treasurer and not Co-, since it's acceptance of the separation of Council and CHE. (which was my original proposal)
However, the reason the current charter was voted for - was to maintain Council in the leadership roles as prime CHE positions, which then allowed for the removal and prevention of non-council from holding prime CHE roles in the future. That was the tradition. That's why this charter was preferred by the membership.
Cited for reference:
<<All members of the Council shall be CHE Officers. The individual designated as “Highlord” is the House Chair and the de facto leader of the entire Tower. The other Council members are considered the Tower’s primary CHE Officers.>>
Meanwhile, house membership (aka. non-council)could hold only co-positions.
<<In addition to the Council members, one or more Support Officers may be designated from the general House membership.>>
<<Support Officers shall be assigned by the Council and serve at the Council's behest in the capacity of Co-Officer among the standard recognized CHE roles (“Co-Treasurer”, “Co-Secretary”, and sometimes even “Co-Chair”).>>
<<In the case of insufficient Council members to satisfy the minimum requirement of CHE Officers, the remaining active Council members shall convene to vote on investing additional CHE Officers from the entire Tower membership to serve in the role of Support Officer. In the case of no active Council members, the active Tower membership shall have a general vote on who shall be invested as additional CHE Officers to serve in the role of Support Officers.>>
Thus, this seems rather clear in these snips, that the current charter specifically disallows non-council from holding primary CHE position, and will only grant Co- positions even in dire need.
If an exception is being made for one primary CHE position, due to whatever the reasons behind it right now - then it seems reasonable to propose the council then revisits the charter to allow general membership to possess those prime CHE roles again.
-==Social Media Stuff==-
I have no issue at all with keeping Varucca as prime Treasurer and not Co-, since it's acceptance of the separation of Council and CHE. (which was my original proposal)
However, the reason the current charter was voted for - was to maintain Council in the leadership roles as prime CHE positions, which then allowed for the removal and prevention of non-council from holding prime CHE roles in the future. That was the tradition. That's why this charter was preferred by the membership.
Cited for reference:
<<All members of the Council shall be CHE Officers. The individual designated as “Highlord” is the House Chair and the de facto leader of the entire Tower. The other Council members are considered the Tower’s primary CHE Officers.>>
Meanwhile, house membership (aka. non-council)could hold only co-positions.
<<In addition to the Council members, one or more Support Officers may be designated from the general House membership.>>
<<Support Officers shall be assigned by the Council and serve at the Council's behest in the capacity of Co-Officer among the standard recognized CHE roles (“Co-Treasurer”, “Co-Secretary”, and sometimes even “Co-Chair”).>>
<<In the case of insufficient Council members to satisfy the minimum requirement of CHE Officers, the remaining active Council members shall convene to vote on investing additional CHE Officers from the entire Tower membership to serve in the role of Support Officer. In the case of no active Council members, the active Tower membership shall have a general vote on who shall be invested as additional CHE Officers to serve in the role of Support Officers.>>
Thus, this seems rather clear in these snips, that the current charter specifically disallows non-council from holding primary CHE position, and will only grant Co- positions even in dire need.
If an exception is being made for one primary CHE position, due to whatever the reasons behind it right now - then it seems reasonable to propose the council then revisits the charter to allow general membership to possess those prime CHE roles again.
-==Social Media Stuff==-