December/January meeting? 02/04/2018 12:19 PM CST
Was there an officer meeting for December or January? I hadn't seen anything posted here or in an e-mail.
Per the charter, they are now supposed to be monthly, scheduled a week in advance and posted. Will there be one for Feb?

There also should be a consideration for the newly required member meetings that are supposed to be 2x a year with 2-week notifications.

I saw the sold characters removed, so thank you for handling that thorn.

Have there been discussions on swapping Varucca, since only Dhe'nar are supposed to be in prime chair roles? It has been four months now and was the very premise of why the current charter was approved back in September last year, after all. If this is not possible to maintain, perhaps we should revisit the separate roles.


-==Social Media Stuff==-



Re: December/January meeting? - MARCH MEETING MINUTES 03/21/2018 10:51 PM CDT

There was a meeting in January, unfortunately I neglected to post the notes here. The large emphasis was coming up for ideas of drumming up membership, which if you have any thoughts on please feel free to share with the group at large.

We moved to begin holding meetings regularly the third wednesday of every month. The first one was today

Re: Varucca and the officer role, I'll get together with Xandalf and Rucca and see if we can't correct that.

The group held a discussion with Lylia, and the end result was that the Council voted in favor of supporting her candidacy as a House.

Avaia and Daeliera challenged for the Balance, Avaia emerged victorious and is now our new Balance.

We discussed (again) the possibility of removing names from the description of rooms in the Tower, and ultimately decided to leave them as is.

There was discussion about reviving the Teras Annex, as we've been sitting near full on IP for some time. We're going to open that up to email discussion.

There was also discussion on my part about using IP for merchant events, structured to encourage roleplay. I'm going to open that up to email discussion as well.

I believe that was all that was important. If I left anything out, someone feel free to correct me.