Dhe'nar v. Faendryl: Cultural Comparison event Thursday 12/19/2016 04:15 PM CST
Please join us Thursday, December 22nd at 9:45pm for our 12th monthly event of the year. We will be gathering at the obsidian tent set up in Hearthstone Courtyard, outside the north gate of Wehnimer's Landing. We will be departing for the Obsidian Tower at 10pm SHARP. Do not be late. No halflings, no gnomes.

This month, we will be discussing the Dhe'nar and Faendryl cultures, noting areas of similarity and difference. Our guest speakers will be coming from the Faendryl Enclave.

~ The girl behind Debia

You swing an invar-hilted serrated glaes falchion at an Ithzir seer!
Amazingly, the Ithzir seer manages to parry the attack with her staff!
The scintillating Debia swings an invar-hilted serrated glaes falchion at you
Re: Dhe'nar v. Faendryl: Cultural Comparison event Thursday 12/23/2016 08:44 AM CST
I wanted to thank those involved in last night's Cultural Comparison event, it was clearly a lot of work and the presentations were articulate and inspired. I look forward to more of such intrigue and ruminations from both groups.


Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."
Re: Dhe'nar v. Faendryl: Cultural Comparison event Thursday 01/05/2017 06:39 PM CST
Glad you enjoyed it, Ysharra.
I too look forward to more co-op events with the Enclave!

It gives a unique opportunity for role-players to compare and contrast to enhance their own character development (or maybe even the consideration for a new one!)

Make sure you set a quick-link to Debia's super calendar found here: http://calendar.obsidiantower.com/

~Talinvor (Tah'lon Vorrith)

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