On Niiman, the 25th day of Phoenatos, please join the Obsidian Tower as we discuss the principles that guide our self-development given to us by Noi'sho'rah, known as the Way. In following the Path, all seek knowledge, power, and self-perfection. The journey is different for everyone, and our goal is to give an introduction to the major tenets. These monthly are mostly open to the public and the primary means through which we will share cultural information, stories, and our philosophies. A Q&A session will be held at the end of the presentation. Please no halflings, no gnomes.
We will begin gathering at a quarter to ten o'clock in the evening, elven time standard, within the obsidian canvas tent set up at Hearthstone Courtyard. We will depart at ten o'clock, sharp. Late comers may find their own way, and arrive at their own risk. Be certain to ring the doorbell before attempting to GO to the Tower.
~ The girl behind Debia
You swing an invar-hilted serrated glaes falchion at an Ithzir seer!
Amazingly, the Ithzir seer manages to parry the attack with her staff!
The scintillating Debia swings an invar-hilted serrated glaes falchion at you