Obsidian Tower - Update 03/24/2016 02:48 PM CDT
Apologies all for forgetting to post to the officials about last month's Telling. We will be having another on March 31st, same time - same place. Keep an eye out for our Dhe'nari messenger. We have been generally officiating the Tellings on the last Thursday of the month.

While Dachiann is on leave, I have taken Adaerynn as another q'hala (apprentice) to learn our culture.

Currently, Talinvor is spending his time between Solhaven and Icemule after 9pm EST if you're interested in learning more.

-Talinvor (Tah'lon Vorrith)

Facebook: Tah'lon Vorrith/Talinvor
website: http://tahlon.obsidiantower.com
CHE website: http://obsidiantower.com