Solstice Greetings, Sisters and Brothers!
This year we celebrate the Winter Solstice with a week-long "Remarkable Runestaff Raffle" from the 17th to the 23rd of this month and a ritual celebrating the return of the light on the evening of the 21st.
Seven separate raffles will be held throughout the week in various locations across Elanthia (beginning in Ta'Vaalor and ending in Wehnimer's Landing), with ticket prices varying from day to day. A description of the staffs that are being raffled is posted in "Current and Upcoming Events" in the Quests/Sagas/Events folder with a copy in "Interhouse Discussion" in this folder, along with the towns and ticket prices for each raffle.
The ritual will be held in the Landing at a location to be announced on the 21st. It will be open to the wider community and will begin immediately following the raffle drawing that evening.
Please be there to celebrate with us if you can!
Blessed be!