The 12th Annual Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days is kicking off on 8/4 through 8/12!
CHE's and MHO's will be running their events between 8/4 and 8/10, with merchant services, raffles on 8/11-8/12.
If your CHE or MHO would like to sign up to host an event during Frontier Days, please send me an email asap! Don't forget to include your main point of contact, group name, name of event, time/location, and any details you'd like announced! I will begin combining them on a centralized Frontier Days events page on the GSWiki this week.
-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer's Landing
Human Guru
Strongest foe vanquished: Roblar
Shameless Plug: Go check out my short story on Amazon!