Yes, we haven't even seen Eve of the Reunion, but it's time to think about Solstice season! True to our annual tradition, we want members to design the ornament to represent Paupers on the CHE Solstice Tree.
Officers will select the best submissions (up to 9) for members to vote on.
1) Deadline to submit your ornament(s) is 8am ET on Monday, November 5. (Yes, multiple entries are allowed!)
2) Entries must be sent to HouseofPaupers @ Make sure to include your character name with your entry(entries).
3) Make sure you follow ALTER rules! Your design may be a LONG or it may have a SHOW.
4) Once Officers review the submissions, our favorites will be presented for an in-game vote around November 11 - 18. (Officers may make minor edits before posting an entry for vote, at our discretion.)
Oh yes, there are prizes!
A) The person with the 2nd place ornament in our house vote will get 250k and their choice of 1 item from the Paupers Prize Closet. (In the event 1st and 2nd place were submitted by the same person, we will provide the 2nd place prize to the member with the next highest number of votes - you only get 1 prize!)
B) The winner of our house vote will get 500k and their choice of 1 item from the Paupers Prize Closet. This is also the ornament we will submit to hang on the CHE Solstice Tree.
C) If the Paupers ornament is judged (by a GM panel) as one of the best 3 ornaments this year, the designer will also get the following (besides bragging rights):
1) Choice of 3: Item Alteration; Lighten or Deepen; Custom Tattoo; Feature Alteration
2) Choice of 2 from the above list
3) Choice of 1 from the above list
Direct any questions to HouseofPaupers @ or find me on Discord or in game.
Happy designing!
~Lady Traiva Verethundi, Chatelaine of Paupers
. . . and her Muse