CHEs annexes are being added to Rhyaesdid Hall in Cysaegir, that will provide access to your locker in Ta'Illistim!
Each CHE can design their locker annex room, and we are asking Paupers members to help in the design process by submitting 1 item to be incorporated into the design.
~The annex room can have a trash can, something to sit on, and 3 more objects (such as a table, artwork, etc.). (Note: If you design a bar, it will not hold drinks.)
Please keep in mind the ALTER rules. There may be small edits in order to fit the item into the overall design, or if required by QC.
Submit your design to HouseofPaupers @ by 11:59pm ET on Saturday, July 14. In addition to creating a lasting imprint on the world, there may be fantastic prizes!
~Lady Traiva Verethundi, Chatelaine of Paupers
. . . and her muse