General Meeting Notes Sovyn House 1/7/19
Attendance Keeper of Rings Thailmore who is sitting, Patriarch Eruheran, Executrix Dirvy who is sitting, Xilona who is sitting, Numismatist Acerbe who is sitting, Balley, Leyann
1. On the 30th at 9 est we'll be having our annual chrism and clerical gem class
2. Next month Romanic Fortune Telling via gem (if we can get them) and or Live readings from seers, and candy dish. Maybe add romantic caricatures or portraits
3. Olaesta is typically our fishing month so we'll probably do some fishing then
4. Cursed Cloves in age may be done as an event soon.
Other Items
1. The fawn and the donation room are still in work.
2. Today is the deadline for Q1 stuff.
3. We currently have 194,636,665 silvers