Checking in... 12/09/2011 11:35 AM CST
Any old friends around?

Re: Checking in... 01/13/2012 10:49 PM CST
Saw you in town - didn't realize you were the original Imp.

Jeldharr here - sadly, I haven't seen anyone else I recognize in ages. I know Bandanas was back under another character, though I don't know the name, but that's it.

I check the WHO house Brigatta frequently but don't see many familiar names - or any names at all.
Re: Checking in... 01/15/2012 01:35 PM CST

Yes, it's me but I can understand how you might not be sure... I've felt the same way a few times. Say hi with your new character next time you see me :)

I've seen Mithrumbas around, and ran into Deavon once (unfortunately she had to run). I use the WHO for the house, too, pretty empty most of the time. I suspect we might have a few other people traipsing around under new names but who can tell, if so they haven't joined Brigatta.