You see a burly dwarven war veteran, resplendent in his green and silver Aspis tabard and gleaming silver chain mail. A highly polished helmet shades his broken nose and beady, skeptical gaze. He maintains a sound grip on his ornamental halberd and attempts a pleasant expression. |
Do you have the perfect name for this dwarf? Send his name (and any story you have about his background) by carrier bird to the official House Mailing List*. Let our esteemed leader Aurien and the ever perfect Queen Maeve be the judges. Queen Maeve tells us..."amusing may tip our vote." Our ever quirky yet always handsome leader has given no hints as to where his vote lies but one can assume from past actions a pretty face may sway him!
Enter once, enter twice... enter as many times as you want. We have two rules: enter and win!
The contest winner, only from within our prestigious house membership, will be announced and awarded a prize at the embassy warming event on Sunday May 5th. (More information on that will be announced later)
>* If you are not on the House Mailing List, please sent a message with your character name to me at my address and I will get you added ASAP.
Brought you to by Mistress Luicindas and the House of the Argent Aspis
Seomanthe Bartley-Olberath
Argent Scribe