Hiya sibs,
Our House cooks have expressed interest in expanding their repertoire and are seeking recipe suggestions!
If any House member is interested, please e-mail me at my play.net address with some food and drinks that we can have added to the pantry. Please include any flavor messaging you'd like to see, including racial tastes. Anything that comes without flavor messages will be given default messages based on type of food (savory/sweet/soup, etc).
Some starting points!
- Flavored teas, hot cocoas or coffees
- Juices and other non-alcoholic beverages
- Mixed cocktails
- Ales and stouts
- Racial foods perhaps inspired by the ration kits (like mom used to make!)
- Finger foods for fancy parties
We'll vote on our five favorite submissions at the end of this month on the 25th -- if your submission is chosen, please find me for a special thank-you gift!
~ 17th Annual House of the Argent Aspis Bardfest ~
~ Grand Prize - 10 million silver ~
~ 7/17 - 7/19, Finals 7/23/12 ~
~ Bardfest is not limited to bards! Come share your art! ~
~ *Register Here: http://goo.gl/TSvNw *