Brigatta always has been, and will continue to be... just a home. A cozy place to relax among friends and family. We have no political agenda nor will we impose any upon our families. We will not discriminate against any of our families by way of race, gender, profession, or alignment. Brigatta has no aspirations to become the largest or most powerful house in the landing. To become the largest by means of structure or residents would mean housemates could lose themselves within our walls and the closeness of family and camaraderie would be lost. To become the most powerful would put burdens of political agendas and structure upon us which we do not want.
We are not an institution or a club, hence we have no need for by-laws. We are a simply a home, and as such it is only expected that housemates treat one another with respect and kindness. Title, age, wealth nor power shall give any Brigattan superiority over another of our house while residing in Brigatta. Nor shall the aforementioned command another's friendship or respect.
House Colors: White and blue. White for purity, truth and honesty. Blue for loyalty and inner strength.
House Coat-of-Arms: A staff crossing a sword with the image of a unicorn's head behind them and stars sparkling in the background. The sword represents those professions that live by the sword. The staff represents those professions that live for life. The stars represent those professions that live by magic. The unicorn represents power, change and growth. (Arms concept by Lord Quiet Pheonix)
House Motto: Amici Per Aevum, which translates to "friends through time," or "friends throughout eternity."
House Religion: Members of House Brigatta may worship any deity of their choosing.
Races and Professions Welcome: All.
House Location: Wehnimer's Landing, Brigatta Lane. North of Lyon Way.