Firstly, there's a meeting this weekend, at 4 PM EDT on Saturday, September 15th as usual. We're hoping to finalize Goatfest. Come join us for and event and then the meeting!
(Below is cross posted w/ World Events & CHE/BHA)
Beacon Hall Archive will unveil a new (and hopefully deadly) game this weekend.
What: An event to surprise all blood eagles.
When: 2 PM EDT, Saturday, September 15th.
Where: Depends where you land, but meet at RR Commons.
How: A catapult and a special 7-sided die.
Why: Astru wants you to learn how to fly or die, like on Bre’naere.
I finally created the gswiki article on the Flinger a couple months ago, and we haven’t run an event with it since its release. See or just show up!
We will allow participants to set an upper limit on their ‘dial’ roll, meaning a low-level character wouldn’t simply lose by getting possibly launched into the Marsh Keep or Citadel by some cheatyface sheer fear. Of course, this is strictly optional.
As usual, the last one alive will win. And I also need an Edit button.