Vote for the Ta'Illistim Annex Design 11/22/2015 04:50 AM CST
Mostly syndicated from my email tonight.

Please log your relevant character in and VOTE HOUSE within the next two weeks to choose the style of the upcoming annex. Voting will conclude the end of the day on Sunday, December 6th. The house mod (aka login spam) will remind you about this, even after you vote, haha.

Here are the formal options, pasted from the game feed.

>vote house
Your House is currently voting on: Please choose which theme you prefer for the upcoming Ta'Illistim locker annex expansion. Voting will take place for two weeks (OOC: Until the end of Sunday, December 6th.)
Option 1: Archaeological Digging Pit
Option 2: Spire
Option 3: Tree House
Option 4: Underground Laboratory
You have not yet voted on this subject.
(This is an open vote. This means that the House officers will be able to see what option you have voted for.)

If there is not a clear majority for one option, there will be a run-off between the top two options, which will also go for 2 weeks.

The purpose of this vote is to finalize the fundamental concept for the Ta'Illistim annex design. After a little poking, this will be sent to the relevant GM gurus for pre-approval, so that we don't spend time working on an annex which wouldn't be approved. In that sense, it will be considered binding for us, unless it is rejected by the GMs.

Hopefully, there are no major surprises here, and everyone interested in helping with the Annex has some option they are interested in. I apologize that last month's minutes are not yet compiled and released, but annex discussion has been on-going for many months, and hopefully everyone's voice was heard and included in some form.

Check out who's dying any time!

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p