I was able to log this strange phenomonom where I 'rooted' a target, killed it, animated it. Afterwards, it remained rooted for hours (until I lost it accidentally)
[Warcamp, Outside - 16357]
Cages filled with creatures of all sizes are stacked against the wall of a hut spaced away from its neighbors by numerous yards. Next to the cages is a small pile of former cage occupants, the remains of sacrifices and divinations. The air around the hut carries a suggestion of herbs and spices and appears to emanate from cracks in the hut's walls. Wind chimes constructed of finger bones of various races fill the air with a morbid clattering. You also see a dagger, a wooden shield, a composite bow and a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger.
Obvious paths: north, south
You hear a blast of thunder as you twist the spiritual and elemental forces into one manifestation, preparing the Pain spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger.
CS: +599 - TD: +455 + CvA: +8 + d100: +8 == +160
Warding failed!
A weathered Grimswarm orc ranger contorts in excruciating agony!
... 158 points of damage!
A bolt of energy leaps from your and sets the sigils along your fireleaf staff ablaze. Tendrils of pale energy lash out at a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger and cage her within bands of concentric geometry...
[SMR result: 213 (Open d100: 76, Bonus: 43)]
The bands constrict around a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Warcamp, Outside - 16357]
Cages filled with creatures of all sizes are stacked against the wall of a hut spaced away from its neighbors by numerous yards. Next to the cages is a small pile of former cage occupants, the remains of sacrifices and divinations. The air around the hut carries a suggestion of herbs and spices and appears to emanate from cracks in the hut's walls. Wind chimes constructed of finger bones of various races fill the air with a morbid clattering. You also see a dagger, a wooden shield, a composite bow and a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger that is appears rooted.
Obvious paths: north, south
>star ranger
You hear a blast of thunder as you twist the spiritual and elemental forces into one manifestation, preparing the Curse spell...
Your spell is ready.
Holding a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger in your gaze, you utter a foul curse upon her.
CS: +599 - TD: +455 + CvA: +8 + d100: +49 == +201
Warding failed!
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
The orc ranger loses some inner strength.
You are seized by a sudden premonition of her demise.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A Grimswarm orc sniper rushes in!
A weathered Grimswarm orc ranger swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +333 vs DS: +826 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +34 = -440
A clean miss.
You hear a blast of thunder as you twist the spiritual and elemental forces into one manifestation, preparing the Pain spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger.
CS: +581 - TD: +455 + CvA: +8 + d100: +80 == +214
Warding failed!
A weathered Grimswarm orc ranger contorts in excruciating agony!
... 158 points of damage!
[You have earned 75 prestige points.]
The orc ranger falls to the ground and dies.
Your complexion grows murkier.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ Curse of the Star (bonus): +0:20:00, 0:26:00 remaining. ]
>wand ranger
That is already open.
You remove a hollow soulstone wand from in your dusty pants.
You wave your soulstone wand at a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger.
1d100: 43 + Modifiers: 295 == 338
A bubbling black mist slithers forth from your wand and curls around a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger's body. It dissolves upon contact with him and disappears. The stench of decay begins to dissipate and the ranger's decomposition slows noticeably.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A Grimswarm orc sniper gives quick assessment to his surroundings, then hauls back with one foot and lets it fly!
[SMR result: 72 (Open d100: 68)]
A Grimswarm orc sniper manages to kick a large clump of mud at you!
You deftly avoid the clump of mud!
Reaching over your shoulder, you secure your fireleaf staff into a series of straps on the back of your pouch-lined harness. As it leaves your hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
>open sack
Sliding the lever on the side of the mithril mesh sack, you can feel tension increasing against the lever. The metal plates at the top of the sack slide away, revealing the opening.
>get pearl from sack
You remove a tiny grey pearl from in your mithril mesh sack.
>app my pearl
You peer intently at the grey pearl as you turn it in your fingers, meticulously inspecting for flaws. You estimate that the grey pearl is of average quality and worth approximately 1900 silvers.
You swap a tiny grey pearl to your left hand and a hollow soulstone wand to your right hand.
>730 rang
You hear a blast of thunder as you twist the spiritual and elemental forces into one manifestation, preparing the Animate Dead spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger.
d100: 71 + Modifiers: 177 == 248
You intone deeply over a weathered Grimswarm orc ranger's body as slender glowing wisps gather around the grey pearl in your hand like a swarm of moths to a lantern. After a few moments the pearl begins to take on a slight glow, growing warm to the touch, and the orc ranger's body starts to show subtle signs of movement. Finally, the glow surrounding the pearl envelops the body and flares brightly before fading out, revealing a husk of a tiny grey pearl and an upright animated orc ranger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>tel ani to att
You tell your animate to attack anything in its sight.
>tel ani to follow
You order your orc ranger to follow you, and it obliges willingly.
You point your soulstone wand at an animated Grimswarm orc ranger.
1d100: 2 + Modifiers: 417 == 419
Misty black smoke gushes forth from your soulstone wand, carefully encircling an animated Grimswarm orc ranger. Your soulstone wand warms slightly as the pure white light radiating from its soulstone shell melds with the misty black smoke, as if infusing it with some unknown power. The ranger shudders momentarily as its wounds begin to suture themselves. After several painful groans, the ranger begins to look healthier, although still quite dead.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You put a hollow soulstone wand in your dusty pants.
You close some dusty pants.
>put pearl
You drop a hollow grey pearl.
>ready weap
Reaching over your shoulder, you draw your fireleaf staff from a series of straps on the back of your pouch-lined harness. At your touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.
A Grimswarm orc ranger rushes in!
An animated Grimswarm orc ranger snatches up a wooden shield!
An animated Grimswarm orc ranger swings a closed fist at a Grimswarm orc ranger!
AS: +474 vs DS: +676 with AvD: +4 + d100 roll: +46 = -152
A clean miss.
A Grimswarm orc ranger reaches out and grabs at your nose!
[SMR result: 2 (Open d100: 16)]
A Grimswarm orc ranger reaches out to tweak your nose, but only grabs air!
You hear a blast of thunder as you twist the spiritual and elemental forces into one manifestation, preparing the Evil Eye spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a Grimswarm orc ranger.
Tendrils of pale energy lash out from your fireleaf staff toward a Grimswarm orc ranger and cage him within bands of concentric geometry that constrict as one, shattering upon impact!
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
A hazy film coats a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The murky veil around a Grimswarm orc ranger fluxes chaotically!
... 30 points of damage!
Bones shatter in the orc ranger's shield arm.
The orc ranger is stunned!
You stare at a Grimswarm orc ranger.
CS: +581 - TD: +400 + CvA: +8 + d100: +25 == +214
Warding failed!
The orc ranger looks at you in utter terror!
The orc ranger drops its long bow.
The orc ranger lets out a blood curdling scream!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The orc ranger falls to the ground and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The wall of force disappears from around a Grimswarm orc ranger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
An animated Grimswarm orc ranger looks around blankly.
You search the orc ranger.
You discard the ranger's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
You have been awarded 1 Long-Term Experience Boost! You may use the BOOST command to access this reward!
A Grimswarm orc ranger decays into compost.
[Warcamp, Outside - 16357]
Cages filled with creatures of all sizes are stacked against the wall of a hut spaced away from its neighbors by numerous yards. Next to the cages is a small pile of former cage occupants, the remains of sacrifices and divinations. The air around the hut carries a suggestion of herbs and spices and appears to emanate from cracks in the hut's walls. Wind chimes constructed of finger bones of various races fill the air with a morbid clattering. You also see a long bow, a hollow grey pearl, a composite bow, a Grimswarm orc sniper that appears dead, a dagger, a composite bow and an animated Grimswarm orc ranger that is appears rooted.