Weekly Update for 6 March 2018 03/07/2018 09:48 PM CST
Hello HARDCORE, here are your updates for the week!


HARCORE lost two characters of great reknown this week. Both were champions of their given profession with many great deeds to their name. The first of which was Lord Anaguar. Active in the competition since 6th November of last year, Anaguar the Monk reached the ripe old age of level 24. He met a particularly tragic end in being gangbanged by a pack of rampaging Zombies in Potter's Field, but let's all agree to remember him as he lived. Looking to avenge his death is Duaguar the Half-Elf Monk, who shall carry the family name with pride and/or eventual death.

Our other particularly painful loss of this week is that of Lord Rattas the Champion Wizard. Reaching an even riper old age of level of 27, his death was also near Potter's Field. A Tree Spirit managed to ambush poor Rattas while on his hands and knees exiting the area. Lord Rattas has chosen to continue on with his character, and so we wish him well in his newfound lease on eternal life, and thank him for his time in the HARDCORE league.

Also exiting the competition this week is Spraggeth, dead to a disconnect but survived by his sister in arms Chayze. Vimo and Lychon both had their runs brought to a close compliments of Hobgoblin claidhmores, Furdi commited suicide by Thunder Troll, and Ameren, Aliku, and Gazlowe were all Grimswarm food. Lastly, Borrs the Sorcerer retired from the competition.

Stepping up to fill the ranks are the Forest Gnome Ranger Ertuc, and Sorcerers Qimo and Mimo, the latter two obviously of the 'imo clan. Warriors Machon and Khamas also joined the fray, as did the Rogues Ertuc and Aurelis. Finally, we have Mubble the Monk, Maic the Paladin, and Elunas the Shapeshifter, who has most recently morphed into a Monk.


First and foremost this week is a heartfelt congratulations to Lady Mazikaene, our first ever F2P titled character and new Wizard Champion (RIP Lord Rattas). Dozens, if not hundreds of hours have gone into this attempt, and in persevering through many tragic setbacks she has finally completed her goal her esteemed title. Lady Mazikaene also took first place yet again in the F2P bracket of the February Seasonal Contest, with the deceased Egard coming in second.

Also making significant strides this week is Lord Stinkets the Bard, who just today reached level 20 and completed the final step in The Order of Voln. Well done on all counts! In less spectacular news, with the death of Monk Champion Lord Anaguar, the title reverts to the absent Garry who I suspect shall not rule for long.

In our standard list of updates, Lord Halier the Sorcerer finds the time in his busy schedule to push his lead up by one to 25, as does Lady Asheldia the Empath, and Lord Sindaras the Paladin. Our reigning champion Lord Ardkor continues to Ardkor it up and tacks on two, making level 37 look easy. Caitis, Lady Khrayla, and Flygr all remained flat, but there's rumors of a hard charging Ranger working his way up the ranks to shake things up.

Finally, a new month brings new contests! Specifically, a new Seasonal Contest and a full-fledged bounty against the Grimswarm. The first to master Guardians of Sunfist will receive 5 million silver prize money to the non-HC character of their choice, along with a pick of the remaining prize items for their personal use. Wish all who attempt the feat luck, as they have so far died to a man.

Monthly Competition:

This month's contest is short and to the point. A bounty of 5 million silver will be awarded to the first member of the HARDCORE competition who can successfully master Guardians of Sunfist. The reward will be collected by a non-HC player of the player's choosing. HOWEVER, the character themself will be able to select an item from the remaining equipment obtained for the past Imperiled Few Auction. You will also, of course, earn a place on the HARDCORE leaderboards for your efforts.

If you have questions, this is the thread to ask them.

Don't know what HARDCORE is? Look here: https://gswiki.play.net/Prime_HARDCORE

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"