For the past two weeks, HARDCORE waged war on the Grimswarm. There were heavy losses on both sides, with Brinret, Tesaer, Bargin, Engler, and Govei all falling at the hands of The Swarm. However, there were gains made for all the blood that was shed, though you'll need to read the leaderboard update to see just what was accomplished.
Also exiting the competition were the F2P clan of Zimo, Bimo, and Gimo, though their line continues on in Vimo the Burghal Gnome Monk. Agarwenil fell to a Fanged Viper, Drelo to an Onyx Scarab, Azraylia at the hands of a Forest Troll, and Thirildin to a Neartofar Orc. Ucher and Kaech both perished to causes unknown, while Toyrynd and Rogs send their regards as they head off to retirement. In a HARDCORE first, Egard the F2P Dwarven Sorcerer died during the ongoing invasions in Icemule.
Taking the place of the fallen are a good many, so let's break it down by profession. The Monks are a popular lot, with Tarado, Furdi, and Ludian answering the call. On the Wizard front we have Cardhore, Borshe, Triofer (of Unofer and Duofer fame), and Lychon. Rounding out the group are the Empaths Aduialel and Arakot, Amaren the Rogue, and Murnir the Paladin.
On a closing note, did you ever hear the tragedy of Dark Elf Sutudo the Sorcerer? I thought not. It's not a story the GMs would tell you. The dark side of Sorcery is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful… The only thing she was afraid of was dying in an embarrassingly brutal fashion, which eventually, of course, she did. Unfortunately, she taught her apprentice Shimlurous everything she knew, then Shimlurous pushed her into a spike pit while out hunting. Ironic. Sutudo witnessed others reached the title of Lord and Lady, but not herself, dying mere points away from level 20.
As was mentioned in the Roster update, war was declared by the HARDCORE against that terrible foe, The Grimswarm. While losses were great, victories were carved from battle in the form of the first ever to raze a warcamp. At only level 4, Bargin the Halfling Monk managed the feat before losing his life in another warcamp. His rival Engler will be remembered for destroying a total of 16 camps before he too fell to The Swarm. Well done to you both, you shall not be forgotten.
Other notable achievements include Lady Krayla's mastery of Berserk, the first ever of the HARDCORE to finish a guild skill. Fine work, Warrior! Elsewhere, two competitors managed to reach level 20, Lady Shimlurous and Lord Sindaras, the latter of the two also retook the lead from Ainumorco as head Paladin. Rounding out the list is the indominable Mazikaene, breaking the clan's level 16 curse to take the lead from the now deceased Egard to achieve highest overall F2P fame and level.
Our current champions were far from resting on their heels, with our overall leader Cleric Ardkor gaining two levels to reach 35. Lord Anaguar the Monk also gained two to stop at 24, while the Wizard Lord Rattas tacked on a total of six, coming to level 26. Flygr the Rogue (15), Lady Khrayla the Warrior (24), and Lady Asheldia the Empath (29) all gained one level, while our resident Bard Stinkets gained three, reaching level 17.
That gets us all caught up for the now. Stay safe, Champions.
!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"