Caught me in full offensive stance here...
I'm going to credit my berserk training with averting disaster!
-- Robert aka Khrayla
An ogre warrior swings a rusty iron military pick at you!
AS: +155 vs DS: +115 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +97 = +171
... and hits for 39 points of damage!
Strike pierces gall bladder!
That's gotta hurt!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
You are still stunned.
>symbol of transcendence confirm
With difficulty, you manage to will yourself into the space between the corporeal and ethereal realms.
[ Symbol of Transcendence: +0:00:30, 0:00:30 remaining. ]
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
[ Berserk: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
Focusing on your bloodlust, you shake yourself out of the stun!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
stance defensive
[Script finished!]
You are now in a defensive stance.
-- Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.