Exhaustion & Kroderine Soul 07/21/2022 02:01 AM CDT
I love playing a Kroderine Soul warrior, but I'd just like to take a moment to suggest that there needs to be a self-solution to the "popped muscles" caused by exhaustion for those who choose the Kroderine Soul path.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but the fact that there is not feels much more like an oversight than a feature.

Unlike other health effects that provide a challenge to survival (i.e. disease or poison), exhaustion imposes extreme hindrance by preventing use of a very wide array of skills and abilities, and essentially renders a character functionally useless.

All characters (except Kroderine Souls) having access to a self-solution for exhaustion doesn't add up for me.

If you're a Kroderine Soul the only self-solution for exhaustion is to wait.

Elanthia has herbs that instantly grow limbs back; seems like another herb to heal overexerted muscles wouldn't be farfetched? Or even just access to common 1107 turbid aquamarine potions from the alchemy system would be awesome.

If it's not an oversight and is rather intended to impose additional cost for the benefits of Kroderine Soul, could we maybe see a solution via Adventure Guild bounty points (like the throat balm; which is another highly-specific use item).

I may have posted this months ago (I don't remember for sure), but it remains an annoying issue – that unless was added intentionally for some reason I'm not privy to – makes no sense.
