Would love some advice from warriors at cap or at least approaching cap on which Cmans I should be adding to compliment this list.
Currently level 81 warrior. THW(bastard sword)
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Specialization I wspec1 4
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Bull Rush bullrush 4
Surge of Strength surge 4
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Stance of the Mongoose mongoose 3
Kroderine Soul kroderinesoul 1
Available Combat Maneuver Points: 28
In terms of the guild, I've got Disarm and Warrior Tricks mastered, and will be getting berserk done soon. Not ever going to do tackle or warcries. Not happening. I hate the damn guild work.
I played around with a few different options this past month, and I'd like some thoughts from those who know more about the hunting grounds ahead. Which of these ideas make the most sense?
- Spell Cleaving: Really like this one for stripping enemies that come spelled up. Seems like a 2 second damage boost that is easy to use...particularly if something has a Wall of Force up.
- Tainted Bond: My weapon is a T4. I do alot of focused mstrikes, so it feels like that AS boost is there alot. I like to stack necro boosts with spin attack for a real spike in AS on some of the more defensive stuff. Expensive at 20 points though.
- Cunning Defense: this feels like a no-frills but very useful cman. +15 static permanent bonus to Maneuver defense....hard to see why I wouldn't want this at some point?
- Dirtkick: I hear a lot of good things about this. Effective in Defensive and pushes down EBP. Thoughts?
- Combat Mobility: Getting up automatically seems a solid pick.
Then, there is always the option to Rank 5 a pair of skills. Like Rank 5 on Surge of Strength and Bull Rush.
I apprecaite any thoughts and opinions.
Re: Looking for advice on my next CMAN choices
11/03/2020 05:44 PM CST
< - Dirtkick: I hear a lot of good things about this. Effective in Defensive and pushes down EBP. Thoughts? >
If this is one Ranshai you are referring to, unless there's been some character progression I wouldn't think he'd stoop to this. Honor and all that.
If you're willing to modify your persona's mentality, I'd absolutely advocate this, as removing EBP for a warrior is the bee's knees.
< Then, there is always the option to Rank 5 a pair of skills. >
I don't find enough benefit for the huge amount of points needed to get to rank 5 for much, personally.
Here's my capped warrior, using all defensive/passives before I flip to Kroderine Soul :
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Dirtkick dirtkick 4 - used extensively in RT if something survives
Mighty Blow mblow 1 - prereq for sunder only
Sunder Shield sunder 4 - this is his main offensive/RP cman
Charge charge 3 - Nelemar defensive only
Subdual Strike sstrike 3 - Bandit defense
Specialization I wspec1 3 - Bonding prereq 3 ranks is good cost/benefit
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 1 - Anything that actually hurts him and doesn't stand him up gotta 'zerk out of
Combat Toughness toughness 2 - I could lower this, but a dark elf doesn't have alot of natty health
Bull Rush bullrush 2 - Nelemar/Champion defense only
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 4
Spell Parry sparry 3 - Defensive only but don't hunt much that casts bolt spells
Griffin's Voice griffin 1 - Warcry guild assistance only
Whirling Dervish dervish 2 - normal martial stance
Out of your choices, I'd go dirtkick -> tainted for active hunting usage. Once you get more CMAN points, fill out for defensive purposes until Naijin modifies the formulae.
~James/Auvreaian ( you'd know better as Stunseed )
If this is one Ranshai you are referring to, unless there's been some character progression I wouldn't think he'd stoop to this. Honor and all that.
If you're willing to modify your persona's mentality, I'd absolutely advocate this, as removing EBP for a warrior is the bee's knees.
< Then, there is always the option to Rank 5 a pair of skills. >
I don't find enough benefit for the huge amount of points needed to get to rank 5 for much, personally.
Here's my capped warrior, using all defensive/passives before I flip to Kroderine Soul :
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Dirtkick dirtkick 4 - used extensively in RT if something survives
Mighty Blow mblow 1 - prereq for sunder only
Sunder Shield sunder 4 - this is his main offensive/RP cman
Charge charge 3 - Nelemar defensive only
Subdual Strike sstrike 3 - Bandit defense
Specialization I wspec1 3 - Bonding prereq 3 ranks is good cost/benefit
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 1 - Anything that actually hurts him and doesn't stand him up gotta 'zerk out of
Combat Toughness toughness 2 - I could lower this, but a dark elf doesn't have alot of natty health
Bull Rush bullrush 2 - Nelemar/Champion defense only
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 4
Spell Parry sparry 3 - Defensive only but don't hunt much that casts bolt spells
Griffin's Voice griffin 1 - Warcry guild assistance only
Whirling Dervish dervish 2 - normal martial stance
Out of your choices, I'd go dirtkick -> tainted for active hunting usage. Once you get more CMAN points, fill out for defensive purposes until Naijin modifies the formulae.
~James/Auvreaian ( you'd know better as Stunseed )