Next tiers? 01/30/2022 10:41 AM CST

Level: 100 Fame: -1,954,056,172
Experience: 44,050,028 Field Exp: 1,502/1,083
Ascension Exp: 23,708,590 Recent Deaths: 0
Total Exp: 67,758,618 Death's Sting: None
Long-Term Exp: 0 Deeds: 25
Exp to next TP: 2,472 Exp to next ATP: 41,410
PTPs/MTPs: 0/0 ATPs: 3

Your mind is completely saturated. It is imperative that you rest immediately!
J>asc info
Mitch, your Ascension Abilities are as follows:

Skill Mnemonic Ranks Category Subcategory

Agility agility 10/40 Common Stat
Aura aura 10/40 Common Stat
Cold Resistance resistcold 15/40 Common Resist
Constitution constitution 10/40 Common Stat
Crush Resistance resistcrush 10/40 Common Resist
Dexterity dexterity 10/40 Common Stat
Discipline discipline 10/40 Common Stat
Electric Resistance resistelectric 10/40 Common Resist
Impact Resistance resistimpact 10/40 Common Resist
Intuition intuition 10/40 Common Stat
Logic logic 35/40 Common Stat
Porter porter 15/50 Common Other
Puncture Resistance resistpuncture 10/40 Common Resist
Slash Resistance resistslash 10/40 Common Resist
Spiritual Lore - Blessings slblessings 5/50 Common Skill
Spiritual Lore - Summoning slsummoning 15/50 Common Skill
Stamina Regeneration regenstamina 20/50 Common Regen
Strength strength 10/40 Common Stat
Wisdom wisdom 10/40 Common Stat
Re: Next tiers? 01/30/2022 11:09 AM CST
Out of curiosity. How is it that you have negative fame?

-- Robert

From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the shield is as a shield.
Re: Next tiers? 01/30/2022 11:37 AM CST
Max video game score used to be 2,147,483,647

with 32 bit, the total is 4,294,967,295.

it's 2 to the 32nd power minus 1 with the middle number being 0.

So once you hit the top limit, you wrap around.