Having read through some of the previously-proposed elite and legendary ascension skills for warriors, I was hoping to share some thoughts and perhaps some proposals for other skills as well. While the elite/legendary proposed skills look like "nice to haves", they don't strike me as rising to the level of "character-defining" that other professions might have. To be clear, I would very much enjoy the ability to manually stop berserks, to warcry while berserking, and to improve my redux despite knowing spells. Those all seem like great skills to have, but allow me to propose some more ideas.
First, could you introduce a new focused mstrike threshold and unfocused mstrike threshold that's achievable via enhancives plus Ascension? E.g., a 6th focused mstrike is achievable at 190 ranks. The thresholds for each focused mstrike, starting at 2 and going through 6, seems to follow a pattern that would suggest a 7th focused mstrike is achievable at 255 ranks, which would be achievable with Ascension + enhancives.
Second, I think more weapon-based ascension skills should be available. I'm envisioning an Elite-tier Ascension skill, similar to the Combat Maneuver of Weapon Specialization. It would add +1 to the type of weapon you choose. Much like Weapon Specialization, a character would have to choose a specific weapon (e.g., a maul) as opposed to the more broad class of two-handed weapons.
Finally, I'd propose that some legendary skills be even more weapon-centric. Being a two-handed weapon user myself, I only have ideas for that weapon type. But something that makes sense for 2HW is a passive ability that can neutralize some (even small) portion of the enemy's ability to Evade/Block/Parry ("The triton executioner attempts to parry your blow, but can't redirect the overwhelming momentum behind your sledgehammer"), or something that ignores a portion of the defender's stance (similar to Mighty Blow, but as a passive ability).
I would hope that warriors with other weapon styles (two weapon combat / shield use) would have similar legendary skills that make sense for their chosen weapon type. Legendary warrior weapon skills should be a) expensive enough that realistically speaking only one weapon style could be trained, and b) powerful enough to define the character. I.e., it should be a system that encourages the warrior to define their playstyle around only one weapon style, whether that's THW, TWC, or shield use.