Hey everyone, Ascension is now available in Platinum and will be headed to the other instances in the following days. Ascension is a new system that allows you to divert experience into an Ascension Training Point (ATP) pool, which can then be spent on Ascension Skills to further define your character. Ascension is focused on Post-Cap Development, but is not restricted to level 100 characters. Starting at level 20, you can divert up to your level as a percentage of your experience gain towards Ascension Experience (AEXP). Every 50,000 AEXP will net you 1 ATP, which may then be spent on Common, Elite, or Legendary skills. This initial phase is limited to the Common tier, and more details on Elite/Legendary will be released at a later date.
See http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Combat,%20Magic,%20and%20Character%20Mechanics/Ascension/view/2 for the initial post regarding the Ascension system. The wiki page at https://gswiki.play.net/Ascension_Skill_System will be updated as the system progresses. Finally, the ASCENSION verb is available in-game for more information, and has been copied below for your convenience.
USAGE: ASCENSION [option] [args]
EXP - View your Ascension experience and ATP
SET {#} - Set the percent of experience to absorb as Ascension experience
LEARN {skill} - Trade in Ascension Training Points to unlock an skill
UNLEARN {skill} - Trade in an Ascension skill for Ascension Training Points
LIST {tier} - Lists Ascension skills by tier available for you to unlock
INFO - Displays your current Ascension skills
MILESTONES - View your Ascension Milestone progress
HELP {skill} - Lists information about the selected skill
Note: All {skill} references above require use of the skill mnemonic.
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/14/2020 09:58 PM CDT
A big thanks and credits to the entire team for their efforts here and a special thanks to the following:
Estild: Coding
Oscuro: Coding & QC
Gyres: Messaging
Retser: QC
Estild: Coding
Oscuro: Coding & QC
Gyres: Messaging
Retser: QC
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 08:19 AM CDT
Well, THIS will be interesting when it hits Prime... :)
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 08:30 AM CDT
Legendary Ascension Skill: Midlife Crisis
Self-cast disks (through spell or use of a scroll or item) can hold twice their normal capacity.
-- Robert
>> A halfling magistrate picks up a small rock and throws it at a half-elven bandit in a valiant effort to subdue him.
Self-cast disks (through spell or use of a scroll or item) can hold twice their normal capacity.
-- Robert
>> A halfling magistrate picks up a small rock and throws it at a half-elven bandit in a valiant effort to subdue him.
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 11:50 AM CDT
Are we able to see progress towards the 10 full rpas milestone?
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 12:49 PM CDT
For the Profession-Specific Milestones, how will the system know if we've already achieved that milestone?
I ask because, while the system was on the test server, I logged in with my paladin (who is fully bonded to a weapon), and the milestone was showing as 'No', instead of the 'Yes'[..] that it should have been.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
I ask because, while the system was on the test server, I logged in with my paladin (who is fully bonded to a weapon), and the milestone was showing as 'No', instead of the 'Yes'[..] that it should have been.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 02:47 PM CDT
Okay, nevermind my previous post. I was granted the Paladin "Sacred Bond" milestone after a few minutes. Guess the system takes a bit to recognize everything about the character!
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: [Platinum] Ascension Released
09/15/2020 04:47 PM CDT
Looks cool.
Still would like to create a wand that I can charge to 500 charges - so I don't have to charge all the time :)
Just throwing that out there.