We've all been proposing skills and ideas, but I wanted to spend some time thinking through the ripple effects of ascension too. How do you see changes to training plans and other mechanical decisions?
Two big things on my mind are:
Reasonable stopping points:
Things like 3x Harness Power on a sorcerer or 3x Dodging on a warrior look less appealing to me than ever--they're useful, sure, but also long and painful grinds. Once I'm settled that 3x HP/Dodging will never happen, I stop at 2x.
On the flip side, skills like 101 Survival for bandit traps or 10 ranks of a mana control (enough to share with a capped 1x mana control character) seem more appealing to me than they used to. Less mechanically useful, sure, but there's something to be said for solid breakpoints at cheap TP costs that won't "delay" ATP gains for too long.
When to make the jump to ATPs:
For what post-cap has been without ascension, I think semis have been viewed (rightly or wrongly) as sort of a dream scenario, since eventually they can 2x CM, 2x Dodging, 2x spells, and 2x HP all at once. (Or, for ranger archers, Ambush instead of CM.)
That's still true for those who have been playing their post-cap semis for a while, but what of those fresh capping now or in the near future? Some semis might stop at fairly balanced builds where they don't 2x any of the above, while others might feel obligated to 2x at least a couple.
As for pures and squares (...well, at least warriors and monks), I'm wondering if they'll be the quickest to jump to ATPs at relatively fresh cap. I reviewed my monk's training plan and she's only going to need about 130k post-cap exp before I'll switch her over.
And how about diversification--will we see relatively fewer bolting empaths, for example, when 202 Spell Aiming represents 1,262,500 exp that could instead be going toward ATPs?
I'm very interested by how things will play out with training plan suggestions in the future!
Re: Ripple effects of ascension
03/28/2020 01:27 PM CDT
These are really good points. I have been thinking along similar lines and taking that into consideration now. Hence, I am trying to finish up 3x dodge on my capped warrior before ascension comes into play because I imagine I might not be that interested in slogging through it later. Also trying to cap my empath and get pretty satisfied with core training before ascension. I do agree that ascension could make me rethink priorities once it is released. Not sure if that is a bad thing though - more options could mean more fun!
Re: Ripple effects of ascension
03/28/2020 02:38 PM CDT
Slowly but surely there the rate of experience gain has been increased. I think once ascension releases the rate of experience gain will see another increase.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ripple effects of ascension
03/28/2020 03:43 PM CDT
>We've all been proposing skills and ideas, but I wanted to spend some time thinking through the ripple effects of ascension too. How do you see changes to training plans and other mechanical decisions?
I would maximize ATPs as soon as possible, if I understand the proposed system right. Tripling in a skill is convergence on a common training path. With ascension, in theory, you choose what fits your character or play-style best. Start breaking the mold early; everything else will be gained with time, anyway.
I would maximize ATPs as soon as possible, if I understand the proposed system right. Tripling in a skill is convergence on a common training path. With ascension, in theory, you choose what fits your character or play-style best. Start breaking the mold early; everything else will be gained with time, anyway.