This will be a tldr thing if you're not into paladins, but here's a concept I've been batting around with Leafi and Nehor. Please feedback.
There are paths that distinguish a paladin from another. Some fight for glory, some for honor, some out of hatred. The Paladin's patron determines what paths they have available to them. Each chosen path has with it a basic, epic, and legendary passive skill that can be trained that personifies the path itself. If the Paladin's patron is of Liabo, they may train in the Liabo and Neutral paths. If the patron is Lornon, they may train in the Lornon and Neutral paths. However, patrons that are of neutral influence only grant access to one or the other at the paladins discretion - Neutral/Liabo, or Neutral/Lornon. Once this choice has been made (by spending ATP in a Liabo or Lornon path), it may not be changed except through intercession (as would a Liabo paladin who converted to Lornon be required to switch to Lornon paths). All previously unlocked paths are still unlocked, however they cease to function while not of the paladin's chosen alignment.
Auras are abilities that are granted the paladin upon training in the basic and epic levels of each path (the legendary unlock does not provide an aura). Paladins may only have one aura active at a time, and it must be unlocked and of an active path. A paladin may change their aura by activating another aura, thus ending the previous, or by using a STOP AURA type command. They may do this once per minute to prevent abuse.
The neutral paths are those that either lornon, liabo, or neutral paladins have access to. Their auras are therefore also always available once unlocked:
1. Path of the Crusader: The paladin has the eyes of their patron guiding them on their quests as they crusade in his or her name. Intervention path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Campaign": 1618 becomes a stackable spell with duration of 1200 + 60/spell level over 18. Granted access to Aura of Vigilance.
b. Epic - "Divine Luck": Upon being attacked or attacking, there is a 25% chance a second roll will occur. The more beneficial roll is used. Granted access to Aura of Ascendance.
c. Legendary - "Deus Ex": Once per day, a blow or attack that would result in the paladin's death is negated. Instead, the paladin is teleported to the nearest safe area.
2. Path of the Duelist: The paladin fights with tenacity, and is the king of attrition combat. 1v1 melee path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Eyes on Me"; Every connected melee attack has a chance to proc single target 1608 against the foe. Granted access to Aura of Challenge.
b. Epic - "Always a Fair Fight"; The paladin is immune to FoF pushdown. Granted access to Aura of Healing.
c. Legendary - "Opportunist"; Double the bonus and penalty of Zealot.
3. Path of the Armed: A paladin's weapon is a gift from their patron, and those especially devout can make the most of it. Weapon Sanctification Path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Sanctified Arsenal"; A paladin may bond via 1625 to two different weapons. Granted access to Aura of Blades.
b. Epic - "Improved Sanctification"; Infused spells do not require charges, and the bond Str/Wis/CML bonus increases by 1/1/2. Granted access to Aura of Retaliation.
c. Legendary - "Supreme Sanctification"; Infusable maximum spell level is doubled, and the str/wis/CML bonus increases by an additional 2/2/4. This enables 1630 at bonding level 5 with 9 summoning ranks, or 530 at 189 summoning lore ranks.
Only Liabo converts, or Neutral paladins who have forsaken Lornon may train in and use these three paths.
1. Path of the Brave: Bravery has long stood as a virtue of the Paladin. This path is for those who laugh in the face of fear. Buffing path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Fearless"; The Paladin becomes immune to sheer fear, and bind effects. Granted access to Aura of Shields.
b. Epic - "Steadfast"; The paladin realizes a generic +10 to AS, DS, CML, CS, and TD. Granted access to Aura of Resolve.
c. Legendary - "Die hard"; The paladin gains +15 passive stamina and health recovery.
2. Path of the Savior: Some paladins perform the services of their deity with extreme piety. As such, they are granted further blessings. Raising path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Chrism Lore"; The paladin may use clerical chrism gems. Granted access to Aura of Spirit.
b. Epic - "Cloth over Steel"; The paladin may use 1640 5 additional times per day. Granted access to Aura of Sanctuary.
c. Legendary - "Summon Corpse"; The paladin's 1620 may be cast at a freshly killed target in the region to bring the corpse to the paladin's location instead of to the place of aid.
3. Path of the Paragon: The paladin embodies all that their Patron stands for. Divine Spells path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Will of the Devout"; Gain 15 CS for all paladin circle spells. Granted access to Aura of the Leadership.
b. Epic - "Supreme Judgement"; Gain 10% additional DF for 1615, and 1630. Granted access to Aura of Arkati.
c. Legendary - "Improved Smite"; 1650 has a 50% chance to not use divine energy when used for smite, and gains +20% chance to double smite (addative with religion lore bonus).
Only Lornon converts, or Neutral paladins who have forsaken Liabo may train in and use these three paths.
1. Path of the Dreadful: The paladin is disciplined in fear and in emotional devastation. Dark paladin CC path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Run, Now.": All enemies that attack the paladin must save versus the paladin's influence for the attack to occur. If they fail, they skip their round. Granted access to Aura of Terror.
b. Epic - "Look into my eyes.": The paladin's STARE verb against monsters is a paladin circle CS based attack that lowers the targets AS, DS, CML, CS, and TD by 10%. Granted access to Aura of Insanity.
c. Legendary - "Stop Running.": The paladin exercises a free melee attack with 2 second RT against any enemy exiting the room. This may only occur once every 15 seconds.
2. Path of the Corrupt: The paladin embraces decay, disease, poison, and all things unclean. Dark paladin utility path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Wither": When channeled, 113 and 114 become Poison and Disease SMRv2 based attack spells versus the opponent. Grants access to Aura of Undeath.
b. Epic - "Cursed Ground": The paladin's fighting area is considered cursed. Any actions taken have a 5% chance to automatically fail for everything but the paladin. Grants access to Aura of Malice.
c. Legendary - "Corpse Explosion": The paladin bloats a fallen enemies corpse with corrupted essence. If the corpse is left to decay on it's own, it will explode causing an SMRv2 AOE explosion to all in the room. Any foes who die from this explosion also have a corrupted corpse.
3. Path of the Overlord: The paladin has knowledge of their foes weaknesses, and uses it as a strength. Dark paladin exploitation path.
a. Basic Unlock - "Join or die.": The Paladin attempts to charm a foe to fight alongside them as an ally. Only one creature may be charmed at a time in this way. Grants access to Aura of Tactics.
b. Epic - "Chain Hatred": When the paladin kills a foe, that foe's noun becomes his "hated foe". Every attack against his hated foe is done at +20 AS. The hatred remains until a different foe is slain, becoming the new hated foe. Granted Access to Aura of Smiting.
c. Legendary - "Bane of All": Attacks against hated enemies are done at an additional +12 critical weighting.
Auras have two effects. One while they are active, and one when they cease to become active. You may switch active auras once per minute. The 18 Auras listed above are granted upon their prerequisite Basic and Epic unlocks of their paths. Below is a list of the Auras, and their "Active" and "End" effects.
1. Aura of Leadership
Active - The paladin and thier group gain +15 generic DS, and +20 CML ranks.
End - The paladin's group (not self) gains +15 generic DS and +20 CML ranks for 2 minutes.
2. Aura of Ascendance
Active - Upon being attacked, there is a 5% chance the patron will intervene completely nullifying the attack on the paladin or their group members. Upon attacking, there is a 5% chance the patron will intervene causing an open roll for the paladin or their group members.
End - The next attack from or at the paladin will trigger the intervention.
3. Aura of Challenge
Active - The paladin issues a challenge to all monsters in the area. Spawn rate is slightly increased, and monsters in adjacent rooms to the paladin leave what they are doing to come fight the paladin if possible.
End - The paladin regains stamina equal to the number of enemies slain while running this aura * 10.
4. Aura of Healing
Active - Grant 10% of all melee damage dealt as health, and heal woulds equal to critical rank caused - 3. (If paladin hits right leg for rank 4, they will heal a rank 1 wound on their right leg if one exists. Scars are done the same at critic rank caused - 6).
End - Heal the paladin and their party for half of the paladin's current HPs.
5. Aura of Blades
Active - Every melee strike by the paladin's group has a 10% chance to strike again.
End - Three ethereal blades lash out from the paladin in an attempt to feint, disarm, knockdown, stun, or distract the enemies. Each blades target and attempt is chosen randomly.
6. Aura of Retaliation
Active - The paladin gains an additional 10% chance to parry incoming blows. If a parry would occur, there is a 50% chance the paladin performs a melee strike against the opponent at 2 seconds RT. This may only happen once every 10 seconds.
End - The paladin makes a melee attack against all enemies in the room that have attacked him during the running of the aura.
7. Aura of Shields
Active - Ethereal Shields surround the paladin's group, granting a 20% chance to block incoming attacks or bolts.
End - The shields absorb into the paladin's armor, granting a 5% damage resistance to the next attack or bolt.
8. Aura of Resolve
Active - Raises the floor on padding randomization for the paladins group from 6 to 12 CER.
End - The paladin recovers from popped muscles as though receiving an 1107 cast.
9. Aura of Spirit
Active - The paladin gains +1 spirit recovery.
End - The next 1640 the paladin casts in the next 5 minutes costs only 2 spirit, and the boost effect only drops the recipient to 50% when unlinked.
10. Aura of Sanctuary
Active - The paladin and their group may not perform offensive actions, and enemies must pass a warding check to break the sanctuary.
End - A CS based attack against all monsters in the room, upon failure they have a great chance to attack each other as their next action.
11. Aura of Arkati
Active - Gain +5 bonus to all stats.
End - All monsters in the room are subject to CS check. On failure, they lose 10% AS, DS, CML, and HPs for 1 minute.
12. Aura of Vigilance
Active - The paladin is immune to surprise attack DS pushdown. Whenever a foe leaps from hiding offensively at the paladin, there is a 50% chance the paladin will grab the assailant and throw them to the ground as an SMRv2 attack.
End - The paladin gains +20 perception ranks for 2 minutes.
13. Aura of Terror
Active - Upon entering the room, a creature must save versus paladin CS or flee from the room. Likewise if the paladin enters a room where creatures are.
End - A fetish is left in the room where the paladin stood for 30 seconds. The fetish acts as minor sanctuary.
14. Aura of Insanity
Active - Anything making an offensive move against the paladin has a 50% chance of choosing a different action for that round. This effect continues until the adversary successfully chooses one, or runs out of options. If all options are exhausted, the insane foe sits down and drools.
End - All beings in the room not joined to the paladin must pass an SMRv2, or sit down and drool.
15. Aura of Malice
Active - Every 10 seconds, an AoE pulse of SMRv2 based hatred eminates from the paladin doing medium damage to all NPCs.
End - An SMRv2 wave eminates from the paladin doing massive damage to all not joined to the paladin.
16. Aura of Undeath
Active - Any living being killed by the paladin raises itself as a ghost as though the paladin were wearing an active necrotic ring. If the paladin is wearing an active necrotic ring, two spirits will rise.
End - A random risen spirit in the room becomes enthralled by the paladin, and acts as an undead pet.
17. Aura of Tactics
Active - All pets and members of the paladins group are treated as having SideBySide training rank 1 if they do not have higher.
End - All group members continue to have SIdeBySIde training rank 1 for 2 minutes. Pets do not.
18. Aura of Smiting
Active - All attacks for the paladins group are done at DRoll 120.
End - All attacks for the paladins group (not self) continue to be done at DRoll 120 for 2 minutes.
Example Paladin Path:
Lornon Paladin.
Has trained in the following:
Path of Duelist, Epic
Path of Overlord, Legendary
Path of Paragon, Basic.
He has access to Aura of Challenge, Aura of Healing, Aura of Tactics, Aura of Smiting, and Aura of Leadership. He may change between these once every minute. His passive skills are "Eyes on Me" (Chance to proc 1608), "Always a Fair Fight" (Immune to FoF Pushdown), "Join or Die" (Charm a foe), "Chain Hatred" (Bane the last killed foe), "Bane of All" (Gain 12 CER Crit versus Baned), and "Will of the Devout" (+15 Paladin CS).
There are some innate pathless skills available for the specialized paladin as well. Below are listed some, their prerequisites, and effects.
1. Lay on Hands (3 ranks) - Once per day, The Paladin may completely heal the missing HPs of themselves or a group member. At Rank 2, this effect is permitted twice, and it lowers all wounds by 1 rank, eliminating minors. At Rank 3, this effect is permitted three times per day, and completely heals all wounds and scars of the target.
Harm Touch - Must forsake Lay on Hands. 3 ranks. Once per day, the Paladin may touch a target to deal the Paladins current HPs in damage. At Rank 2, this can occur twice per day, and applies a rank 1 wound on all locations. At rank 3, This may occur three times a day, and applies a rank 2 wound on all locations with potential crits.
2. Form of the Arkati- 3 ranks. Once per day per rank, the paladin may take on the semblence of their Patron for one hour. During this time, their appearance changes to reflect their Deity with Forsaking the Gods appearance as a bright humanoid figure. At rank 1, The caster gains 10% additional damage reduction. At rank 2, the caster also raises their maximum HPs and stamina by 30. At Rank 3, the caster gains 10 CER phantom crit and damage padding.
Form of the Wraith - Must forsake Form of the Arkati. 3 ranks. Once per day per rank, the Paladin takes on the incoporeal form of a mistlike being for one hour. During this time, the paladin is treated as incorporeal for purposes of combat, criticals, and weaknesses. At rank 2, the caster raises their maximum mana by 30, and spirit by 2. At rank 3, the caster gains 6 CER crit and 6 CER damage weighting.
3. Sentient Ethereal Weapon - Three ranks. The paladin's 1625 weapon(s) house a sentient representative of their patron, or a demonic entity if they have Forsaken the Gods. At rank 1, the weapon is able to be dismissed and summoned back to the waiting paladin's hand. This "appearance/dismissal" may have custom alterable messaging to reflect any illusory methods deemed appropriate. At rank 2, the weapon may duplicate itself into a temporary ethereal version that can be used by a party member. This weapon is identical in all ways to the original weapon, however will dissipate upon dropping, parrying, or its wielder leaving the paladin's group, and may only attack undead foes. Only one copy may be in existence per weapon at a time. At rank 3, the original sentient weapon has a 15% chance on attack of an undead foe to call out to its copy. When it does, the copy also attacks the same target with no roundtime. This can only happen once per 10 seconds.