A Message Found in Town Square 04/02/2022 04:15 AM CDT
>Addressed to Elizabeth Larson in a slanting copperplate hand, the envelope sealed with an imprint of a stylized lily is roughly torn at its top, possibly in eagerness to get at its contents. The letter within is carefully folded, though; someone has left it on the bench, possibly in hopes that its owner, having opened it and read the letter within, will reclaim it.>

To Elizabeth Larson --

Your husband, Rian, is well. He is in the hands of the krolvin but looks reasonably nourished and whole, free of injury and of sound mind despite wearing the shackles these krolvin place on those they capture. Rian is currently serving as the scribe for the warlord himself, the self-styled Czag Pritz, Tyrrax 'Light-Bringer.' When I spoke to him, he shared with me that this is an unrivaled opportunity for him to learn. From this, I knew that your husband is a brave seeker of knowledge, yet his sole wish was that you be informed of his well-being to put your mind at ease. I hope this missive does just that as he is safer being of use to this Tyrrax than making a foolish stand on principle. He is to be commended for doing what he must to keep himself safe -- to return to you.

Although I do not know Rian, I can see he is both brave and loving, a man whom we all wish to see return safely to us with his mind and body intact. While we were unable to secure his release immediately, those in charge of negotiations with the Czag are keenly aware of his presence and are working to gain his freedom. I personally shall do all in my power to free him when he is able to be freed as I understand well what it is to love a truth-seeker who would imperil himself to gain a glimpse of forbidden knowledge. While I do not have illusions about the goodness of the krolvin heart, I do know them to be pragmatists, and your Rian is useful to them now. We may trust that he is resourceful enough to stay useful until he can be rescued.

I shall write to you again as I learn more.

--- Lylia Rashere