"In 5080, Emperor Haldelas began the extension of the Demonwall from the Wizardwaste (Toullaire) to the western coast." -- The Wiki
This concerned sometimes-citizen of the Empire is curious to know the status of the Demonwall project. Has it reached the western coast yet?
If not, do we know where it'll end up on the coastline? Asking for reasons...
Re: Status of the Demonwall
05/20/2022 11:39 PM CDT
Good question. I know it was stated somewhere by Kenstrom and/or an NPC it's expanded. It might be in the Wizardwaste story from 2018?. The demonwall breach during Cross into Shadows in fall of 2014 was repaired.
Re: Status of the Demonwall
05/20/2022 11:58 PM CDT
Geijon, your posting of the History of the Demonwall log spurred all this, what a fun read, and thank you so much for adding it (and all the other things) to the wiki :)
Clunk first commented on that snippet on the discussion page back in April of 2016. Perhaps if he sees this he can share some more info :)
Clunk first commented on that snippet on the discussion page back in April of 2016. Perhaps if he sees this he can share some more info :)
Re: Status of the Demonwall
05/22/2022 06:23 PM CDT
from memory and wiki - which mostly matches memory - I may go back someday and restore logs from backup later and review those.
But truly - prefer not to, history loses its role of contributing to continuing conflict if it becomes set in stone and totally unambiguous.
Memory does not work like that and writing it in a book doesn't make it the sole truth.
The things I treat as key to the way Clunk (and Thuunk) act are roughly:
1) The battles at Elstreth where the first of the modern known Horned Cabal was killed. These stories shaped Thuunks youth,
2) The start of the building of the Demonwall.
* Thuunk was born 4910. The first segment of the Demonwall was completed 4909. During his youth Thuunk was exposed to dwarven concerns of ending up on the southern side of the Demonwall, should there ever be a need to extend it from the Wizard Waste to the West Coast.
3) The start of the second phase of the DemonWall
*Clunk Like_A_Rock came to the Landing in 5094 or thereabout. This was a result of the DemonWall resuming construction in 5080, after the battles at Elstreth in 5074. Clunk disappeared under mysterious circumstances a few years later. His son, Clunk LikeARockSon (born 5046) came looking for him shortly after. The Battle of Elstreth and the construction of the Demonwall strongly influenced young Clunk.
*When Clunk LikeARockSon did not return home, Thuunk LikeARock came looking for his brother's son. Both have been in the Landing a bit over 25 years.
* Clunk only fights undead and demons. Core to his belief is that wars between halflings, elves, humans, giants, dwarves and all the other civilized races only serve to weaken us all against the greater foe, the undead. He rarely raises blade to any living thing, most times, as a mistake.
4) Clunks first encounters with Demons
* Raukturga at Gattroff was one of his first exposures to fighting demons. Around this time CLunk met Remuliad and Vordilian.
* Tiope at Shadowguard and Barnom Slim (and Walkar) in the Landing occurred close enough in time that they blend together in Clunk's memory. Vordilian fell to the undead of the Landing down under, a massive fail for guard CLunk.
* Clunk spent a lot of time figuring out that demons weren't the same as undead. Talking with his Huuse folk helped him to understand better, but he may not have it right yet.
In any case, Clunk and Thuunk are on the North side of the Demonwall now, and their fear is it is too late to stop the Demons from following.
(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)