State of Readiness and Recovery Along the Golden Coast 07/29/2015 05:51 PM CDT
(Big ups to Ken for his help with this.)

State of Readiness and Recovery Along the Golden Coast
Prepared at the command of His Excellency Baron Dunrith Malwind by Sir Elias Sterling, Sir Bryen Arnassis, and Dame Aiska Sunrider, 4 Olaesta - 16 Koaratos 5115

I. The North

A. The County of Seareach
That the krolvin have honored their agreement with the late "Eldurn Winter" is both a blessing and a curse for the Osprey, whose ports and peoples remain unmolested during a period of ruthless political infighting. Count Tramini presides over a region whose reputation is blackened by controversy, struggling for control over a nobility nearing open revolt as trade agreements are severed and coin purses dry up. Her waters are clear, her fleets strong and able, her docks pristine and whole - but Brisker's Cove and her neighboring ports buckle beneath the weight of new Imperial taxes, imposed by a Throne that not only appears to hold her responsible for the horrors of Cross's campaign, but expects her to clean up the mess.

II. The West

A. The County of Torre
The steady rebirth of Fairport suffered a blow from squalls rolling in off the sea, but light and color are gradually returning to the land, and the memory of the young heir has served as a cornerstone for the community. Much of the Tempest's Mouth and the Sunset Port have reopened to trade and travel, their defenses strengthened by a re-emerging naval presence and support from their southern sister of Tamzyrr. The primary concern remains the province's economy, as the rash of smuggling activity has scarcely skipped a beat at the heart of the Maelstrom.

B. The Duchy of Selanthia
Proud Tamzyrr remains the jewel of our mighty Empire, the wall upon which Kragnack's fleet broke themselves, again and again, to no avail. The crimson sunburst flies defiantly above great warships moored in her harbor, and by our estimation there exists no other port as wealthy and secure as our Empire's great capital. Her waters are regularly patrolled and maritime industry thrives; hardly an afternoon passes when ships of all nationalities roll in and out on the tide, their holds stuffed with goods. The lone scar, the only hint of a nation wracked by war, is the terrible ruin of Kestrel Keep. A single standing pillar remains, and at its base has bloomed a touching memorial for all Imperial sons and daughters lost in the War of Shadows.

III. The South

A. The County of Allace
Roving bands of anti-Arkati zealots have laid waste to temples and villages along the southern roads, the largest group having wrangled remnants of Cross's monstrous army. The capital, Ubl, was largely successful repelling the krolvin; a blessing, as overland routes feeding into Allace from Aldora, Chastonia, and Estoria are a shambles, creating a domino effect of poverty and crime throughout the province. With the Aldorans occupied at the Demonwall's breach, and Mestanir in ruins, reinforcements from the Order of Voln are slim, and the tide of chaos is barely battled back by the Allacian Rangers and fortune-seeking sellswords, though there is talk of reinforcements from the Western Sentinel.

B. The Earldom of Estoria
The famed Honor Bound, commanded by none other than Captain Varal Kagris the Storm's Eye, is the lynchpin of a massive naval presence in these troubled waters. To look upon the Mare is to see the might and mercy of the gods - fair Idolone is on her knees, and it shall be months, perhaps years, before she rises. The forts along Aldoran border yet hold, and many towns and keeps to the east are ghost towns, their occupants having moved nearer to the capital for fear of repeating Allace's woes. In a statement of pride, the peasants and soldiers have come together to rebuild a sort of hodgepodge temple for their beloved Niima - and depicted on its side is Her gentle hand touching a single female half-elven mage, who drags a chimera from the sky.

Japhrimel says, "You can sum up all the worlds problems here at these embassies.. krolvin are disgusting.. erithi are kind of bland.. and the imperials, well.. no snacks at all."
Re: State of Readiness and Recovery Along the Golden Coast 07/30/2015 10:51 AM CDT

I love these little glimpses into the rest of the world.

Raelee and her Strings

>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."