Next Friday (22 April 2022) at 11:30 PM EST at the Legendary Rest Inn Courtyard Bar (#5825), we will host our second guest in a NEW monthly series in Ta’Vaalor’s “Informal Fireside Forums in and around the Fortress.” Our second guest, Guarrin, kindred warrior and knight in the Order of the Silver Gryphon, will educate us on his order, other orders of the human realms, knighthood of the Human Empire. There will be ample time for Q&A.
Every month I will invite a special guest speaker to a rotating location in Ta’Vaalor to help educate Ta’Vaalor dwellers on the current political, economic, cultural, and historical trends of another place beyond the walls of the Fortress. For the last two years, I’ve brought Ta’Vaalor to the world, but now I hope to bring the world to Ta’Vaalor to help teach eastern-folk what’s out there and to help us better understand the realms beyond our domain. Kegs will still be present, and we will generally be in a bar, so the discussions—while structured—will be like a good bar chat on a heady topic.
These events are open to Legion and non-Legion alike and will focus on many topics from across the world, from how global events relate to fortress politics to whatever topics our speakers care to elucidate and illuminate us with. Future months will bring guests from other parts of the realm, as long as they can stay awake late. :-P
And no worries Saturday events will continue on as always. There will be no pause to drunken chaos.