The Annual Solhaven Grand Art Exhibit is returning this year! While the event itself is scheduled for early May, Cairnfang Manor is accepting submissions from interested artists to be featured in this year's exhibit.
Paintings, drawings, sculptures, and any other physical artwork are acceptable. (Poetry, writing, performances, etc. should be saved for other performance-based events.) The pieces submitted will be judged upon their subject matter, creativity, and overall presentation, so choose something that is of interest to you and give it your all! While subject matter lies in the hands of the creator, we ask that submissions be suitable for viewing by audiences of mixed ages.
All artwork must be submitted in a manner that follows standard ALTER guidelines: 15/15/15 to describe the piece (i.e. a carved,linden-framed,painting), plus a show description for the artwork being displayed taking up no more than 511 characters, including punctuation and double spaces between sentences. An additional long description for the artwork is optional and should be kept fairly short if included. This will ensure all items follow a standard pattern and make for ease in displaying them. In addition, please include the full name of the artist submitting the work as well as a title, if it has one; the artist's name and title do NOT need to be part of the artwork's show description.
Any artwork that does not follow these rules will not be displayed. Some artwork may have minor changes prior to display per QC. See Owly's Super Useful GemStoneIV Alteration Template ( for formatting guidance.
Submission Example:
a linden-framed,charcoal,portrait
Perfectly shaped linden blossoms have been etched into a light-toned frame surrounding a simple group portrait. A small scene of a group of adventures standing by a linden tree has been lovingly rendered in charcoal on smooth paper. The design of the sketch is rather crude and rough by most standards, however certain details of the group are meticulously rendered. It is clear that they are of different races, ages, and come from many walks of life.
All pieces of artwork should be submitted to by no later than end of day on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. When submitting your piece, please make sure the subject reads as Art Exhibit, that you list the name of the artist submitting the piece, the title of the piece, and the full text description of the artwork. Multiple submissions by a single person (character OR player) are not allowed. Any questions can be sent to the same email address.
Additional information about the exhibit and workshops associated with it will be announced later. All of this can also be found on the wiki:
In addition, any CHE, MHO, or other social organization that wishes to partner with Cairnfang Manor with a lecture or workshop during the Art Exhibit event is encouraged to reach out to me by the same methods! We have a several year tradition now of fostering an excellent community of supportive artisticy
- Phanna, Chairwoman
Cairnfang Manor