A Council of Dark Elves - Overview 01/15/2019 01:02 PM CST

A Council of Dark Elves - "Overview"
1/25/2019 Friday Evening
Gemstone IV Meeting Hall Organization -- all races invited
Time: 6:58pm - 8:00pm EST
Location: Ta'llistim - Library Aies, Hall of Knowledge [lich#13232]

General Info:
The Council of Dark Elves - The C.o.d.e., would like to cordially invite you to attend their "second social event", of the year intended to enrich dark elven culture throughout Elanthia and its inhabitants. Civility [{ci·vil·i·ty} noun - courtesy; politeness.] and Decorum {de·co·rum} noun - dignified propriety of behavior, speech, etc.] requested all in attendance within Ta'llistim - Library Aies, Hall of Knowledge on the 25th at the 7th Hour of Tonis, Lormesta - Day of the Huntress.

For further acumen and or hints on what some of the challenges could consist of - at the conclusion of "Overview", please seek out Syainte or Kho'Bra for role-playing interacting insight. In the interest of maintaining the role-playing spirit of the Elanthia Out Of Character requestors or using mechanic's outside of Gemstone IV will be ignored. It is recommended for those interested in participating in the challenge(s) at the conclusion of "Overview" to review the listed citations/links below for further references of study.

references of citation(s):
Category: The Theory of Governance and Social Order - https://bit.ly/2M8WNvV
Category: Faendryl - https://bit.ly/2SWby7V
Category: Dark Elf - https://bit.ly/2FAVcgR
Category: Verbs - https://bit.ly/2Csq4No
Category: SAY (verb) - https://bit.ly/2sv4nIe

TIP(s) for RULES of ENGAGEMENT of the Challenge(s):
- This is as a Modern Day "Hard Core" Simon Says Role Play. Characters/Players participating will be scored, based on challenges set, accordingly - each instruction(s) followed rewarded with points while failure to follow directed instruction(s) will result in penalties.

- Participants will only have 30 SECONDS to write their answers while following instructed instructions set by the challenge(s). TIME will BEGIN AFTER the question has been recited the SECOND time.

- To SUCCESSFULLY guarantee completion of the following challenge(s) presented please use the following example for complete credit: (1) WRITE MY PARCHMENT; [NAME] - Prize/Silvers[SELECTION] - A or Trus/False [ANSWER]. EXAMPLE: WRITE MY PARCHMENT; Khobra, 1,000 Blood Scripts - B. (2) GIVE KHOBRA MY PARCHMENT. Participants only qualified if ALL THREE REQUIREMENTS SEEN on the parchment and TURNed*_*IN to the announcer of the challenge - within the demanded restrictions.

- [REMINDER]-{FAILURE to follow instructions EACH set challenge presents will result in the DEDUCTION of points to your overall personal score. [{TUTORIAL TIP(s)} copy/paste or type out - WRITE MY PARCHMENT; ]

This Month's Prize(s) - {all prizes subject to change}:
- A night on the town with the Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing - {one hour [time solely based at the discretion of the Character(s)/Player(s)] availability.}
- A night on the town with the Mayor of Ice Mule Trace - {one hour [time solely based at the discretion of the Character(s)/Player(s)] availability.}
- A note for One Million Silvers
- A Sack containing a Sewer Rat
- A Sack of 20 Pure Chrism Gemstones
- A Double Your Chase {Gimmie Your Spin/Spot, PLEASE} at a merchant event.
- and MORE!

- from the trials and experiences of the apprentice,
a Militia of the Mist,
and General of Defense,


Sweep The Leg With Khobra [New Year Eve's Pre-Title]
Tivvy says, "I was thinking Karate Kid jokes."
Speaking to Tivvy, you say, "Was watching the new Netflix's series when I named her."