You have made contact with the child you are to rescue and you must get him back alive to one of the Icemule Trace gate guards or the halfing Belle at the Pinefar Trading Post.
I completed a child rescue in Pinefar with the intention of presenting the child to halfling Belle at the Pinefar Trading Post. After about 30 minutes (plus or minus 10 minutes) of searching and waiting for Belle in the Trading Post I received the following message:
It's been some time since you were last in contact with the child that you were hired to rescue. He is starting to lose faith in you and in the Adventurer's Guild. Do your best to find him soon!
Does anyone know if Belle takes extended breaks or has a secret hiding location within the Trading Post?
-- Robert
Re: Adventurer's Guild tasks in Pinefar and halfling Belle
10/26/2010 07:51 PM CDT
Right after posting this I searched again and found a room I had missed. Apparently Belle has a thing for Zebadiah the furrier!
-- Robert
Toothpick Topple
Toothpicks are placed on the ground and then upon one another with participants taking turns. As the stack grows it takes more skill and luck to place the next one. Whoever causes the stack to topple is out of the round.
-- Robert
Toothpick Topple
Toothpicks are placed on the ground and then upon one another with participants taking turns. As the stack grows it takes more skill and luck to place the next one. Whoever causes the stack to topple is out of the round.
Re: Adventurer's Guild tasks in Pinefar and halfling Belle
10/27/2010 03:23 AM CDT
>Right after posting this I searched again and found a room I had missed. Apparently Belle has a thing for Zebadiah the furrier!
You take that back! Belle will only ever love her long lost husband!
ASGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway
Speaking to you, Tamuz asks, "WHERE ARE MY PANTS?"
You take that back! Belle will only ever love her long lost husband!
ASGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway
Speaking to you, Tamuz asks, "WHERE ARE MY PANTS?"