I thought I'd share a small snippet showing why the Scatter (and liches in particular) challenges even the best prepared adventurer. This log snippet is unaltered except for the added emphasis, and took perhaps 1 second to do (3 peers). Also, note that the only direct path is the room my character was in, and the other path required moving two rooms (down, then south). This occurred in the west-most room one down from the barrier in the Scatter.
>peer w
You peer west and see ...
[The Rift, Scatter]
Humanoid shadows float across the otherwise empty alleyways of a desolate marketplace. The fruit in stands are rotten, and several of shop fronts have been burnt down to ashes. An eerie silence pervades the area, occasionally broken by soft mumbling. You notice an infernal lich, an ancient infernal lich and a thick membranous barrier.
Obvious exits: south, down
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...
[The Rift, Scatter]
Burning white sand assaults any exposed skin in a shower of abrasive grittiness. The storm obscures everything around, making visibility even a few feet away impossible. You notice an ancient infernal lich, a Vvrael destroyer, a murky soul siphon and a Vvrael destroyer.
Obvious exits: north, northwest, up
>peer w
You peer west and see ...
[The Rift, Scatter]
Humanoid shadows float across the otherwise empty alleyways of a desolate marketplace. The fruit in stands are rotten, and several of shop fronts have been burnt down to ashes. An eerie silence pervades the area, occasionally broken by soft mumbling. You notice an infernal lich and a thick membranous barrier.
Obvious exits: south, down